12 things all Warwick students should do before they graduate

Maybe we actually aren’t in the middle of nowhere…

We’ve heard it before so many times: Where even is Warwick uni? Or, isn’t Warwick uni in the middle of nowhere? Well, you’d be surprised at how much there is to do; what with Warwick uni being surrounded by a wide range of places there’s more to do than you think, both on campus and in the surrounding areas. This list of 12 things to do before you graduate has some wholesome and some not so wholesome activities, but all of them are equally important! In no particular order here is my list of must do activities!

  1. Go circling

It goes without saying really, but you simply cannot call yourself a Warwick student if you have never been humiliated in front of a large group of people in your society! Wednesday nights are known for circling, Pop! and questionable outfits so before you graduate make sure you let your hair down and go to a circle- who knows? You might even enjoy it!

  1. Go to a ball

A classic university tradition all over the country, it really would be a shame to miss out on. Warwick puts on some great balls in lovely venues with good food and fun people and it really is a rite of passage to go, whether with your society or your course. It’s also a great way to meet some new people and socialise with different years.

  1. Join a society

Another great way to socialise and a cliché of university is being in a society. Some of my favourite memories at university so far have been with societies and at their events. It’s a great way to get involved and feel part of something, so before you leave Warwick why not try something new? Plus, going on tour with a society is a great opportunity and will certainly leave you with some memories! Maybe not memories you want but memories none the less.

  1. Eat at the food trucks

Every Wednesday on Piazza the food market is on and each week there is a slightly different variation of food on offer. With local businesses and some really tasty food it’s a great spot to grab lunch and definitely something to try before you leave.

  1. Go for a walk in Jephson Gardens

Located in Leamington , Jephson Gardens has expansive gardens, a tropical green house, a  lake and somewhere to get coffee. A lovely spot for a walk and a good way to decompress from degree stress and get outdoors it’s definitely somewhere you should go before graduating. I used to live just round the corner from there and it was a great place to go when my degree was getting too much.

  1. Go charity shopping in Leamington and Warwick

Both of these towns are inundated with charity shops and there’s always something cool to be found in them. When the weather is nice it’s an especially pleasant way to spend a day wandering round the charity shops in these local towns. I personally favour the Warwick charity shop scene but both are great.

  1. Go to Pop! and Skool Dayz

It would feel wrong to make a Warwick Bucket list and not include the most infamous night out of the week- that is of course: Pop! Have u really been to Warwick if you haven’t seen Disco Dave and contemplated your existence whilst Baywatch plays? I don’t think so, and therefore it had to make this list! You’ll have fun! I promise… The same goes for the notorious skool dayz that runs two Saturdays each term so tickets are hard to get your hands on but it’s always a fun, if slightly strange, night out.

  1. Eat at the Dirty Duck

Being the pub on campus it’s a student hub for drinking and eating. It has a surprisingly good menu (especially the burgers) and is a great way to spend an evening for fairly cheap. Even better if you finish the night with a trip to T-bar, or maybe even Kelsey’s (another unmissable spot) if you live in Leam.

  1. Go to Kasbah Monday, Smack Tuesday and Neon Friday

Hopefully not all in the same week, but if you manage it then I applaud you! Being the biggest nearby clubs (Birmingham has got nothing on Cov and Leam…) they are nights out you simply have to experience at least once if you go to Warwick. Pro tip- don’t look too closely at the floor, the ceiling, the seats, or anything really and you’ll be fine!

  1. Go to Warwick Castle

It would be a shame to go to Warwick for three years and miss the biggest tourist attraction. It’s actually a really good day out and has lots to offer with pretty grounds, aviary shows, mazes and even a dungeon interactive tour that to be honest is actually pretty terrifying. Seriously, when I went some people had to leave because they were hysterically crying. So if that’s your kind of thing then give it a go! Bonus points if you go at Christmas or for the firework display on Bonfire Night.

  1. Eat at Viallis

The most infamous fast-food place in town – Viallis. An absolute need after a night out, I have never seen it not jam packed and there’s a reason – it’s seriously good food… or maybe it just has great proximity to neon. Make of that what you will, but definitely pay them a visit before you leave.

  1. Go to the Leamington Markets on Sunday

On select Sundays in Leam a market is put on on the highstreet. Food, gifts and bespoke items are sold and it’s a nice way to spend a Sunday with friends or by yourself. Warwick also puts on a food market on Sundays which is worth checking out as well before you graduate.

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