Here’s a list of the best charity shops for students in Lincoln
Here’s what we found in Lincoln’s best charity shops
In a world of fast fashion, now more than ever branded clothes from multiple companies end up in landfill. Not only are these fast fashion brands unethical, but majority of the time they fall apart within one wash, so are these purchases really worth it just for the price?
Thrifting and visiting charity shops are becoming more popular than ever, with preloved clothes from a range of brands being sold for a fraction of their original price, its a cheap option for students that are on a budget when it comes to buying clothes. We wanted to test out Lincoln’s charity shops as a student and work out which shops have the best items for reasonable prices.
St Barnabas
Located at the foot of Steep hill, this charity shop is filled with all sorts, from clothes and books, to china and board games there’s a little something for everyone. I have to give props to the layout of this charity shop, something about the colours and vibe of it is so cosy and inviting.
Upon visiting, I found a Kathmandu, beige pattern shirt, which could be great as a layering piece or to wear on its own. The Australian brand sells these shirts for around £70 to £90 so for a less than £10 this neutral shirt is a steal. This blue denim shirt is another top I could imagine as a layering piece and with a thickness of the material it could be great for throwing on too.
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I thought I’d show The Vanishing Half, a compelling black literature book which I highly recommended and for only £3, you can save spending almost £10 to buy it brand new in a bookstore. As I was leaving I mourned the lost of a Furygan brown leather jacket I saw hanging up, firstly these jackets made in France range from £200 to £500, so £60 is an incredible price. If it wasn’t for the size being too big I would have seriously considered breaking the bank to take it home.
British Red Cross
Home to the backlog of Zara, honestly this charity shop could be the branded shop in disguise, so if you like Zara, this is one way of finding items for half of the retail price. I’ve been in this shop several times and I have to say it is pricy, maybe that is because of the brand new stuff they get in.
I like the fact this shop colour codes everything, it can be really helpful if you are searching for a particular shade in an item. It seems naturals and red are here to stay, with autumn and winter upcoming, it’s not surprise that these colours and heeled seasonal boots are displayed around.
This taupe shade long sleeve top was really cute, I think for a night out with jeans when it’s a little cold would be a good combo. Whilst the top might of been £20 originally, I still think £12 is a lot for a charity shop top. They had an amazing collection of Jeans however, from various shops and it was here I found a pair of second hand Stradivarius white cargo jeans, which have been a popular trend for some time. These are great for nights out, because the wear on the style of trousers are flexible, whilst also being comfortable. For the price of £15 this item is still expensive in my eyes, but the brand new looking condition might be a steal if you’re wanting to spend a bit more money.
For a tiny shop, this place has rails of clothes, books and a wall of shelves full of china and trinkets. The first item I found was this cute V neck pink jumper from the Crew Clothing Company. Retailing at about £40, for a jumper to dress up or keep it casual and under £10, this is perfect for the weather as it gets colder. I also found this Vintage Viventy jacket, which would look great with some jeans, to create a 2000’s look and for £15, I think its a great purchase that you would get a lot of wear out of.
This bright red Laura Ashley top caught my eye and I was tempted to buy it, as I could picture it going perfect with a black mini skirt. I left it because £6.50 was a bit pricy for me, but I will be thinking about it.
Normally this shop has great stuff and I’ve come in from time to time and have come away with some great things. However today there wasn’t much I could find, but what I did come across I ended up buying.
I generally cross over into the men’s section when looking, because I think clothes don’t have a gender and it’s when I explore the men’s rails that I found the best things. I struck a gold mine when I found this dark green James pringle jumper for £4.90. Not only does this brand do great knitted jumpers, but this one was in perfect condition and size for myself so I couldn’t help myself and bought it. *Insert future message here*, I don’t regret buying it, I have lived in this for the last day, its so comfortable.
Cancer Research UK
This shop always has a variety of different brands so you never know what you’re going to get, but on this visit I was shocked at what I found.
Hidden away in an end aisle I found a Tommy Hilfiger Sweatshirt in an almost new condition for the amazing price of £9.50. These jumpers are around £60 to £70 when buying from brand new, so I couldn’t believe the price they had marked this up for. Knowing how popular this brand is for students, I can guarantee the minute I left this shop, that this jumper was probably snatched up.
I’m bias when it comes to this shop because this is the only charity book shop in Lincoln and I’m an avid reader, so I’ve done some damage here.
This shop is dedicated to second hand books, records, comics and graphic novels, there’s so much to look through. For book lovers, this shop has probably already been ticked off your visit list, but for people that haven’t been here they have different sections of all genres – even “Christmas Crime”, if that’s a niche area that you fancy reading in.
There is also a shelf with essay books, you never know you might find a specific course book you need for half the price. My favourite find from this visit, was My Policeman by Bethan Roberts, a drama/romance that I read a few years ago. This book is sad, so if you fancy a cry it’s a great read. The prices are so reasonable here also, so not only are you getting a good price compared to main chains such as Amazon or Waterstones, but the money you spend goes to a greater cause.