Curious about how Edi students are spending their first week back after reading week? Here are our favourite pics from week seven that suggest perhaps not everyone is in the midterm grindset…
Stunners of the Week
hellofresh delivering more than just meal prep kits to Edi students
Black top + whiskers = uniform of the night
The cutest cowgirls in Cowgate
The IT-girls of the night
The most gorgeous trio!
Hot girls know how to have fun
Obsessed with this girls energy
When Subway became Berghain
Cute and colourful
When you check your bank balance after a night out
Getting major hair envy from the stunner on the left
Loving the 70s sunnies
Who needs wanderlust when you have Bourbon
Creepers of the Week
What would’ve been a photo fit for the stunners category is ruined by the snoggers in the back
Side eyes everywhere you look
When you see your ex from across the dance floor
Can’t tell if this smile is endearing or terrifying
Hey little mama let me whisper in your ear, you can save 15% on insurance every year
Keep your eyes to yourself, mate
The guys in the back are desperate to get in on this trios fun
The guy in the background is serving haunting Victorian orphan
Third Wheel of the Week
We’ve all been there
Missing a kissing??
Don’t worry gal, your outfits great
“Oop sorry just gotta squeeze past”
Wankers of the Week
The agro-boys take on the big city
Cheer if you love cowboy hats and VK
“If you like the Rolling Stones, name me three songs right now”
Every short girl knows the struggle of being a human arm rest
Literally no words
Hero of the Week
A wholesome trio :))
A duo of cuties
A very fit friend group
It’s giving the duality of man
When you see your bestie who you thought went missing
Obsessed with this guy’s energy
Always love a bromance
Smiles all round from these two
Heroine of the Week
The pink feather cowboy hats are EVERYTHING
No Fs given
Sharing the love <<33
Before the madness of Big Cheese
A salute is the only way to greet the club photographer
A heroine if there ever was one
Quadruple parked?
Where’s Wally is getting way too easy
Putting on my shades to cover up my eyes
Had to feature these iconic girls twice
WTF Moment of the Week
2023 X 1923
I really hope his tongue isn’t naturally that colour
I don’t even want to know what’s going on here
He’s looking very tired for such a romantic
Poison Ivy? Is that you?
“Oi get out of my face”
Must’ve been a crazy game of paintball
He either hates this song or is doing a humungous fart
This is serious, no more monkey business.
A hesitant rock on…
When you’re on a night out but you suddenly realise you can’t remember the last time you saw your birth certificate
So much going on here
“No of course I love it when you explain my degree to me.”
A puffer coat in subway is a bold (and boiling) choice
Album Cover of the Week
Such a VIBE
This photo is giving me major FOMO
They look straight out of Daisy Jones and the Six
Omg Eminem made an appearance at Rascals? Bourbon’s really going up in the world
These girls are absolutely gorgeous
Who me?
Making Bourbon look like Glastonbury
Unhappy Clubber of the Week
When your friend flakes out of the plans last minute
When you sniff your friends hair after she hasn’t washed it in 4 days
When you see your ex 6 months after the breakup and they’ve had the biggest glo-down you’ve ever seen
Why so serious?
Did someone say Blue Steel?
These three are in very different moods
These two are way too well dressed to be in HIVE
Best of the Rest
The sunnies, the confetti, the vibes
Love the heart shades
Caught in the act
A friendship group so big, they HAVE to be freshers
When the lights turn on and your mate points out the cretin you’ve been getting with all night
Can’t tell if he’s sobbing or dropping it low
Put your hand up if you’re ready to go home
“Babe look at me, this isn’t like you!”
Bringing back the monkey and going bananas
When your friend works out you’re responsible for the stench
The EH1 postcode lost connection around 10pm on Friday, impacting late night venues on Cowgate as well as Kincaids Court and Robertson’s Close student accomodations