Image may contain: Furniture, Bedroom, Bed, Human, Person, People

Sex is Dangerous

Things can… snap

Keeping on top of your sexual health in Cambridge

Where to go to get tested and protected

Cantabs denied anon chlamydia tests

The population of Cambridge is left to fester with chlamydia as Cambridge City Council drastically reduces funding for testing

CUSU Calls Time On C-Card

CUSU have unwrapped an alternative way for students to receive contraception, TOM HOGG Reports.

Tab Tries: Made To Measure Condoms

Trouble squeezing your (not so) little soldier into a condom? The boys get jolly with their johnnies…

Walks Of Shame

The Walk of Shame is an inevitable part of the sex-scavenger’s university experience. RUTH MARINER has gathered some first-hand gems to reassure you that you are not the slaggiest biscuit in the box.