
The Arts building is the best place to study

The Peter Gelling Library is the spot to go to

The Library Revision Survival Guide

You need this right now

You fail at uni if you need to do all nighters

Where are your time management skills?

Changing course was the best decision I have ever made

Forget about the extra £9,000

How I survived 24 hours in the library

I got a Domino’s delivered, had a mild breakdown, but got all my work done

Everyone who irritates us in the library

Because there’s always one

I study Anthropology and African Studies and yes, it is a real course

We’re not just weirdos in pith helmets

A definitive list of the best places to study on campus

Turns out there’s more than the Mason Lounge

Which is the best energy drink to get you through revision?

We took one for the team and tried them all