House Dragon antler man

Erm, so who is the terrifying antler man Daemon spotted in the House of the Dragon finale?

Why did they genuinely give me a jumpscare?

There was a lot going on during the House of the Dragon season finale, but you might have noticed a creepy antler man in Harrenhal. During the episode, Daemon is talking to Alys Rivers and just before he starts walking towards the tree he looks up and sees a creepy humanoid with antlers in the darkness. It quickly runs behind the tree, but what on earth was it?

Whilst it hasn’t been confirmed, fans think this could be one of the Green Men as when the subtitles are turned on it describes: “Antlered human shape clip-clopping, grumbles.” But what actually are the Green Men and what’s their significance in the history of Westeros?


The Green Men are a scared order who guard the Isle of Faces in the Roverlands. Some tales claim they are horned and have dark green skin. Others say they ride elks and have their own antlers, whilst the maesters believe it’s their clothes that are green and their horns are simply headdresses.

The Green Men were created when the First Men and children of the forest decided that the war between them had gone on for too long. Both groups came together to make peace on the Isle of Faces in the Gods Eye near Harrenhal. They both agreed to a pact where the First Men could have all land beside the deep forests, which would be controlled by the children of the forest.


The First Men also agreed no more trees would be cut down, and each tree would have a face carved into it so the gods could witness the historic agreement. The Green Men were then created to guard the trees on the island.

It seems the Green Men might play an important role in the next season of House of the Dragon, as it’s said Addam of Hull and Seasmoke flew to the Isle of Faces to consult with the Green Men.

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Featured images via HBO.