Dancing for the Devil on Netflix: Where is Miranda Wilking from 7M TikTok ‘cult’ now?

‘I am not held against my will’

Netflix has just released Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult, a shocking three-part documentary which tells the story of dancers who are part of an alleged “cult” run by Robert Shinn. One of the main focuses of the series is Miranda Wilking, whose family claims she is stuck in the cult, and has cut ties with them since joining.

Miranda has always denied there is anything suspicious going on within the church-come-management group 7M that she is part of, and has instead hinted her leaving is to do with a strained relationship with her family. However, former members of the Shekinah Church have spoken out and claim they were encouraged to cut off loved ones in order to guarantee them a place in heaven.

Here’s the latest we know about Miranda Wilking, and what she’s up to now.

via Netflix

What is Miranda Wilking up to now?

At the end of Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult on Netflix, it is confirmed Miranda Wilking (now known as Miranda Derrick  after marrying dancer James Derrick in 2021) was approached for comment by the documentary makers, but she did not respond. Miranda still now makes content exclusively with the other dancers believed to be affiliated with 7M founder, Robert Shinn. To this day, Miranda still has limited access to her family.

She is still very active on social media, and appears to still be living in California. Her most recent video is a dance clip with Ceasare “Tighteyex” Willis and Kendra “KO” Willis.

Miranda’s last photo post is a picture of her at sister Melanie’s wedding – but the Wilking family has claimed all of her posts about or with her family are performative, and have to be approved by Robert Shinn.

Miranda has 1.5million Instagram photos, and her bio reads: “✨God is good✨”. She has a further 2million followers on TikTok.

What has Miranda said about 7M and being part of a ‘cult’?

In a statement shared with the press back in 2022, Miranda addressed all the claims about her cutting ties with her family. It read: “I know that my family and friends saw changes in me along the way because it was true, I was changing for the better and in love like I’d never been before.”

Speaking to The Cut about why she left behind the Wilking Sisters TikTok, Miranda said: “I told Melanie I would love to continue doing videos with her as Wilking Sisters but I just didn’t want to continue doing it as we did. I wanted more control over my schedule and I wanted it to be an equal partnership rather than her controlling our business as it had been. I wanted to make time for other things including my relationship with James, Bible studies, making music, and just having some time off to myself.”

Miranda has also released a statement denying she is part of a cult, or being held against her will. “I am not held against my will and I’ve never been a hostage,” it said. “I go to church and I have faith in God. If one day I wish to pursue my faith elsewhere, I will and feel completely free to do that. As far as my career, my time at 7M Films has been one of the most exciting years ever and if one day I wish to partner with a different management company or start my own company, I will.

“No one is forcing me to do anything. I am excited to move forward in this incredible walk with God, an amazing marriage and exciting career. I’m also looking forward to moving past all of this and mend my relationship with my family privately.”

Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

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