One Day symbolism

As if we’ve not cried enough, One Day’s screenwriter just revealed MORE hidden symbolism

English teachers lapping this up as we speak

If you’ve just about recovered from Netflix’s One Day then be prepared to cry again any minute because someone who works on the show has just revealed even MORE hidden symbolism from the final episodes of the show and I genuinely don’t think I’ll ever recover.

We’ve already seen easter eggs in the final episodes and hidden meaning from these overhead shots of Dex and Em, but this time it involves scenes mirroring over consecutive years to show the passage of time and foreshadow *that* ending (sob).

So here’s the hidden symbolism you missed in One Day, as revealed by someone who worked on the show:

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Luke Snellin, a screenwriter who worked on the show, has been sharing some of the hidden meanings in One Day on his Instagram and he is well and truly feeding us all. He said: “One idea we had on episode 13 was to shoot the same frames across different years to get the sense of routine, as Tilly says ‘Normal, boring, real life’. We used a shift in body language, performance and lighting to achieve a subliminal sense of foreshadowing in that fateful year.”

His post features parallel scenes of Emma in the swimming pool with her swimming costume changing colour and her on the phone with Jasmine’s painting in the background disappearing.

He added: “The fading of the sun and the impending threat of rain on this St Swithin’s day was a motif I particularly loved from the book and David’s script. The idea that if it rained on St Swithin’s day it would rain for the forty days that follow, always felt very poetic and like a period of mourning to me.

“Amazing work from @emmaroserees and @padski66 on the details in both the costume and production design across these images. Emma’s swimming costume changing from black to red and Jasmine’s painting disappearing while Tilly’s baby goes from a bump to a newborn are some of my favourite (though heartbreaking) elements.”

One Day is available to watch on Netflix now. For more like this One Day symbolism and all the latest Netflix drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook.

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