Right, was Barry Keoghan wearing a prosthetic in THAT Saltburn final scene?
It’s murder on the danceflooooor
If you’re only just nestling in to watch the most controversial film of 2023, Saltburn, after it landed on Amazon Prime this week, you’ll have recently been confronted by something shockingly sizeable in the final minutes of Emerald Fennel’s posh boy masterpiece: Barry Keoghan’s penis.
Yup. When Barry’s character, Oliver Quick, dances around the Saltburn manner to the eternal bop Murder on the Dancefloor, he’s gleeful, victorious, totally naked, and merrily thrusting his massive dick around the Catton family’s stately home.
Tbh – even with Barry’s sizeable supporting actor – this is still somehow one of the least shocking scenes in Saltburn. But just in case you can’t sleep at night without knowing if this was a case of real penis or prosthetic, here’s all you need to know about the final Saltburn dance scene:
So, is Barry Keoghan wearing a prosthetic in the Saltburn final dance scene?
Prepare to clutch your pearls, because it sounds like everything you saw in Saltburn was 100 per cent Barry— no prosthetic needed. And, despite his confidence in the final version of the dance scene, he even had hesitations at first about filming naked:
“The initial thing was about me having no clothes on. I’m a bit, ehhh,” he told Entertainment Weekly. “But after take one, I was ready to go. I was like, ‘Let’s go again. Let’s go again.’ You kind of forget, because there’s such a comfortable environment created, and it gives you that license to go, ‘All right, this is about the story now.’”
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“It totally felt right,” he continued of the scene. “It’s ownership. This is my place. It’s full confidence in, ‘I can do what I want in this manor. I can strip to my barest and waltz around because this is mine.’ Yeah… it was fun.”
Director Emerland Fennell added the nudity was also intended to indicate a sort of post-sex high to the audience: “If we all did our job correctly, you are on Oliver’s side,” she told Entertainment Weekly.
“You don’t care what he does, you want him to do it. You are both completely repulsed and sort of on his side. It’s that kind of dance with the devil. It’s like, ‘F*ck. Okay, let’s go.’ And so at the end, it needed to have a triumph, a post-coital win, a desecration.”
But one person who was just as shocked as everyone watching in cinemas and at home by the scene was Murder on the Dancefloor’s singer, Sophie Ellis-Bextor: “Seeing it written down as a premise is different,” she told People. “I mean, Barry really went for it. And it’s, like, the whole song!”
“I mean, he’s never going to be able to hear that in the same way again. And every time he’s out and that comes on, people are going to think he’s going to strip off!”
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Featured image credit via Amazon Prime