The runner who ‘attacked’ opponent in mega viral video just spoke out about why she did it

Her side of the story changes everything

If you’ve been online recently, you’ve likely seen an absolutely wild viral video which sees a runner seemingly ‘attacked’ her opponent with her baton during an important race. The video has racked up millions of views and has had everyone perplexed of the backstory of what might have lead to it happening in the first place, and now we have the alternate side of the story. Alaila Everett, the runner, tells her side of the story of why she ‘attacked’ her opponent in the viral run video.

The entire ordeal shows Virginia Brookville High School sprinter Kaeleen Tucker being hit by Alaila Everett, which caused her to suffer a concussion and potential skull fracture. The two were doing a relay run at Liberty University when the moment in the video was captured. Now Alaila Everett has said through many tears what happened, according to her side of the story when speaking to WAVYTV10.

“Everybody has feelings, so you’re physically hurt but you are not thinking about my mental, right. They are going off of one angle. After a couple times of hitting her with my baton, I got stuck behind her back like this and it rolled up her back. I lost my balance, and when I pumped my arms again, she got hit. I know my intentions and I would never hit somebody on purpose.”

She also says she has experienced racism and death threats off the back of the video.

Whilst Everett’s family believe her side of the story, Tucker’s are unhappy and have condemned the moment. They said about Everett’s family “They were beside us at the event. They were watching the video at the event, but no one apologised or came to check on her. Even if it was a fluke or freak accident, you still would check on her.”

Alaila Everett says she’s reached out to apologise to Tucker, but has been unable to after Tucker blocked her on all social media. Tucker’s family are reporting the incident to the sport’s governing body and an investigation into the whole saga has been launched.

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