It’s Pancake Day! Here’s what your pancake toppings say about you as an Exeter student

Pancake Day has crêpe’d up on us again

Happy Pancake Day! It’s a day for sweet treats, flipping pancake competitions and being heavily judged for your choice of topping.

If you have already decided what you’re having on your pancakes, then you don’t need to worry about rushing to the High Street to pick up that single lonely lemon or that family-size jar of Nutella.

So, in honour of Pancake Day, we thought we would have a little fun and tell you what your choice of pancake toppings says about you as an Exeter student. Why not?

Maple syrup

You’re sweet and you like your pancake toppings even sweeter. You don’t mind splurging for the special day – after all, it’s only half the price of a Venom!

You’re the type of student who browses cheap flights abroad the second your degree starts getting a bit too hard. You also love a bargain but also likes to keep things plain and simple. A classic choice.


Just like this nutty, chocolatey spread, you’re a staple in everyone’s life—smooth, popular and impossible to resist. A BNOC that probably spends more time in the library stopping for a chit-chat than actually studying.

You’ve definitely secured an EGB ticket this year, and you definitely attend every sport social Wednesday. And, of course, you’re always posting on Overheard.

Lemon and sugar

A classic. A bit boring, sure. But why fix what isn’t broken?

You’ve never missed a seminar in your life, not even when you’re sick—you simply chug a Lemsip and power through. You always hand your assignments in a day early. You always attend your lectures (even if you were in Vaults the night before). You know what you like and like what you know.

Berries and yogurt

You’re someone who has a strict, organised schedule. You don’t like plans changing in the slightest. You’re someone who has the gym at 6AM, Pancake Day at 9AM, greens juice at 12PM and in bed by 8PM.

You defo have the “type A” personality and there’s nothing wrong with that. Of course, you’ve already posted your pancakes for your Instagram Story with #PancakeDay. It’s giving influencer vibes.

Ice cream

You are living everyone’s childhood dream of adulthood: Ice cream for breakfast. You’re someone who likes to live life on the edge and do everything “for the plot”. You’re someone who sleeps with their makeup on, is a bit messy and rocks up to every event an hour late.

You enjoy going on side quests on TP nights out and come back with new friends from the smoking area. You’re a bit feral but you still somehow get a first in all your essays. It’s called balance x


You’re probably someone who is a “gym bro” and can’t have any meal without some source of protein. You’ve measured out all your ingredients to make sure you hit your macros. But you’re also very indecisive.

You’re most likely a combined honours student. Much like your degree, you couldn’t decide whether you wanted breakfast or dinner, so you chose both.

No toppings

Criminal. You resell your TP ticket for three times the original price and never contribute to group presentations. Your humour is somehow drier than your pancake too.