Misconception of a plant-based campus: Bristol Uni student opinions

Students feel their choice has been taken away following the SU meeting – but what does the motion mean?

There have been mixed feelings among students at the University of Bristol after the Student’s Union voted to promote more plant-based food options on campus.

The vote to support the plant-based agenda happened at the Annual Members Meeting (AMM) held at the SU on Tuesday 4th February.

Many thoughts have been circulating making it seem that university catering and the Source Cafes seen across campus, would change to be 100 per cent plant-based, as this motion was passed.

However, this is not the case. The AMM meeting is an annual opportunity for students to present motions to the SU about things they feel should change within the university.

If these motions pass at the meeting, a democratic event that all students are welcome to attend, then the SU will support this motion for the next three years.

The Plant-Based Universities group presented a motion at the most recent AMM, aiming to increase accessibility to sustainable options within Source Catering. This would include things such as more pre-packaged vegan foods, and adding vegan sandwiches to Source meal deals.

This motion to support more plant-based options is part of a wider campaign by Plant-Based Universities; an international group campaigning for sustainable catering on campus. They are lobbying for plant-based campuses alongside a wider selection of plant-based, pre-packaged foods.

The SU supports this motion in hopes of combating climate change. Whilst Plant-Based Universities are campaigning for plant-based campuses, this does not mean the University of Bristol will be offering a solely plant-based menu anytime soon.

How have students reacted to the idea of a plant-based campus?

Whilst this motion does not intend to eliminate animal products from university catering, the prospect of this has caused a stir amongst some students.

They have expressed how this would ignore their personal preference, with almost 40 per cent feeling that a fully plant-based campus would be “too far.”

In a survey conducted by The Bristol Tab, 57 per cent of students said they felt their choice would be taken away.

Some called it “woke” and “very unfair”, whilst others felt that it would be too restrictive for the majority.

Other students labelled the idea as “absolutely ridiculous” and said, “We need animal-based products to stay healthy.”

There are a range of reactions to a plan for a plant-based campus. Some students feel too restricted whilst others argue they could simply go elsewhere.

One student commented: “(They) can choose to go to the Co-op”, whilst another added: “There are so many places near that it doesn’t matter.”

This could have negative implications for Source Cafe as a business, the main catering company at Bristol University. 44 per cent of students said they would not continue to buy products from the university if it were plant-based.

Source cafe employee, Emily*, said that a lot of students are already bringing their own food or going elsewhere. She thinks introducing a 100 per cent plant-based offering would “encourage this even more.”

Luke*, another Source employee, agreed, adding that “people should definitely be able to choose.”

However, 30 per cent of students said they felt indifferent towards this idea.

Overall reactions have been fairly mixed. 73 per cent rejected the idea that totally plant-based products are the best way to combat the climate crisis. 79 per cent said they would support meat-free or plant-based days within the university.

The plant-based movement has grown over the past few years, with conscious consumerism as an expanding sector. People are starting to look for ways to live sustainably during a climate crisis. For many, the plant-based diet, or veganism, is the way to do this.

The University of Bristol prides itself on having “sustainability at the core” of catering. There is, in fact, already a majority plant-based menu, with 78 per cent plant-based catering in halls and 74 per cent in the Senate House canteen.

As a university spokesperson said, “In collaboration with our students we have developed a range of plant-forward menus and statistics show that the carbon footprint of our meals is significantly below the UK average.”

The Plant-Based Universities group is trending across the UK. Bristol is one of the front-runners in the move to a sustainable campus, joining universities such as; Cambridge, Newcastle, Lancaster and Imperial College London in the transition to sustainable catering.

Whilst the motion was accepted at the AMM, meaning the SU is now in support of the idea, it is unclear when, or if, the change will come into place across the university. This vote is in support of more plant-based options, rather than a complete ban on meat.

Featured images via Bristol SU, and @plantbasedunisbristol Instagram.