An expert slams newly revealed huge mistake Bonnie Blue made in her viral challenge

She put all 1,057 men in massive danger


She’s not going anywhere, and now an expert has slammed a huge mistake Bonnie Blue made during her viral 1,000 guys in 12 hours challenge. Bonnie actually ended up sleeping with 1,057 men in the time frame, and experts have said her error put them all in danger.

Last month Bonnie tasked herself to break the world record and sleep the most men in just 12 hours. She spoke about the stunt across TikTok and Instagram, and the documentary film about it was then released a few days later.

In a new interview, Bonnie quite openly revealed the first man she slept with didn’t wear a condom. Previously, Bonnie had said this was her biggest and most important rule for those taking part. However, speaking since, she laughed off the fact the very first man broke this rule.

Expert slams Bonnie Blue 1000 men 12 hours challenge

via YouTube

But now, Condoms UK, a leading sexual health product provider, has called her blasé behaviour a massive “red flag”. It said she didn’t consider the men’s, or her own, sexual health.

In a statement to The Tab, the brand said this raises harsh “concerns” as “individuals with five or more sexual partners are eight times more likely to have an STI.” It said: “Whilst Bonnie did use protection with every other partner, some STIs such as herpes and HPV can be spread through skin-to-skin contact.”

Speaking in a video after the stunt, Bonnie admitted: “Number one out of 1,057 went in raw.” She added: “I think when you’re in the moment, from the guy’s perspective, they’re getting excited. They just kind of forget. It’s not like an instant ‘I’m about to go inside, let me wrap up. It just made me laugh how it was the first guy because we knew it would happen. But it was number one that went in raw.”

The experts clapped back at this, and said Bonnie’s behaviour “significantly increases the risk for all 1,056 subsequent partners”. Ouch.

Featured image via Instagram @bonnie_blue_xox.

More on: Bonnie Blue OnlyFans Viral