Expanding student body in Bristol: Who bears the cost when more housing is built
the ethics of student housing, who picks up the councils bill?
As the student body expands in Bristol, the council gets poorer. The exemption of students from paying council tax means Bristol City Council is set to miss out on an extra £2.6 million this year in council tax.
Bristol councillors, alongside councillors in other university cities, have argued that they should be entitled to extra government money to subsidise student exemptions. Such exemptions have created a “significant financial challenge”, says the councillors.
The issue was raised in a full council meeting where councillors discussed how Bristol students benefit from council-provided services, including bin collection and use of local parks. However, some councillors have argued that students benefit the city in other ways, such as by drinking in pubs. There is little doubt amongst councillors that Bristol’s student body brings significant benefit to the city’s night-time economy. But they are concerned this does not compensate for what is lost in council tax.
Liberal Democrat councillor, Caroline Gooch noted: “University cities are over-burdened with students exemptions compared with non-university towns and rural areas, and the government should implement a subsidy scheme for local authorities with high student populations.”
Labour councillor Tom Blenkinsop questioned “How much student housing is too much?” and “Would be better served by building denser, more specialised student housing?”
The rise of student housing in Bristol and its potential for economic harm for the council beckons a much wider debate about the standards of student housing compared to that of regular residential housing.
On student housing, in defence of the poorer standards, One councillor noted that future residents “would probably be asleep half the day” during the weekends.
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The ability of developers to sidestep housing standards makes it an attractive business venture. Developers will likely continue to build, and profit off student housing, resulting in more students in the city and less money for the council.
As the cost of living rises, Standards of student living in Bristol continue to Decline. Damp and mould are common features of student housing and it is the holding of developers to lower standards that allows such to proliferate. When assessing the adverse economic consequences of housing students for Bristol City Council, we must question the ethics surrounding student housing.
New student flats will be built, replacing the Galleries shopping centre.
As mental health issues are on the rise, and we are all being tested by January blues, it is insulting that student housing is not held to the same standards as regular housing.
Bristol City Council were approached for comment