In conversation with the creators of new Bristol student written play: Staying Afloat

This weekend, Bristol theatre student Lily Walker debuted her witty but profound character-driven play


This week, The Pegg Studio staged Bristol Spotlight’s production, Staying Afloat, written by third-year theatre student Lily Walker. Describing the play, she said: “essentially a comedy drama set in this all-inclusive holiday resort that a family used to go to every year growing up and it has been about 10 years since they’ve been there and now they return… All this drama that has happened at home comes spiralling out in this hotel resort which is also financially crumbling.”

The parents, Michelle, played by Grace McGee, and Terry, played by Andrew Graham, are very much the focus of the production, with a script perfectly curated to challenge the emotionally distant relationship between them. Lily revealed: “I was very interested in this dynamic of couples when they get older and what still keeps them together especially once their kids have grown up.”

Alongside Michelle and Terry, their daughter Philippa, played by Abby Marles, has began working at the resort, ran by Bill, who was comedically performed by James Ogilvie with his exaggerated Scottish accent. Bill’s long-suffering daughter, Rosa, played by Honey Gawn-Hopkins, also works there, with Philippa.

With a five person cast, the production was clearly character-driven and their work on perfecting these characters’ motivations and desires was extremely evident.

Lily emphasised the importance of character development through actor interpretation, as opposed to strictly from her writing. “It was a lot about finding the character first so they would lead it through their own instincts… I’m at the point now where I feel quite detached from those characters in the sense of writing them because now it’s so much in their physicality and so much in them driving it.”

The cast and creatives of Staying Afloat

The production was co-directed with Rosie Carey, as Lily claimed: “I knew I wanted to co-direct it with someone, I really like the thing of bouncing off other people and having that as a shared vision.”

When asked about the process, Rosie emphasised the scope for creative decisions in student written plays: “It is so fun to rehearse because there are no rules, we’ve been changing the script as we see the characters emerge on stage… there is so much freedom with student writing which is really fun.”

The production itself, was intimate, incredibly witty through both the script and the actors’ physicality, but the production also raised significant questions surrounding family dynamics and how the desire to nostalgically re-create or hang on to the past can be a significant hinderance to building present relationships.

Grace McGee’s performance as Michelle was a stand out, as she perfectly portrayed the extremely fun, warm and well-intentioned mother, but also depicted a subtle sadness due to Michelle’s distant husband and her daughter’s embarrassment of her behaviour. Grace McGee gave Michelle such a natural warmness, which wasn’t appreciated or reciprocated by her family members, but was acknowledged by the character of Rosa.

Bill, played by James Ogilvie, provided great comedic relief, but as the play progressed, the character’s ill-intent and selfishness become more and more apparent. The continuing friction between Bill and Terry erupted with a hilarious fight in which Andrew and James threw each other into the creatively made swimming pool.

Due to such a small cast, the dynamics between all characters were extremely well developed and I thoroughly enjoyed watching them all, from Andrew’s portrayal of the ‘intellectual’ and withdrawn Terry to Honey’s portrayal of the mischievous and sassy but misunderstood Rosa.

Speaking to the creatives about the making of the production, Assistant Producer Orlando Alexander said: “It gives you a lot of appreciation for the sheer amount of effort that any show takes and before I’ve only ever seen it from the actors perspective.”

When asked how to get involved in script writing and theatre societies at Bristol University, Producer Madeline Morgan answered: “There are lots of opportunities for smaller showcases where you can show your own writing for a 20 minute slot and that’s a really useful way to test out material. Don’t feel self-conscious… people will be interested in what you’re doing.”

Writer and Co-Director Lily continued: “It’s a social thing as well, it is a great way to make friends. You come together and create this little community which is all about putting this one thing on together.”

Rosie added: “There are so many societies within the performing arts world. It’s about trialing it, going to socials and meeting new people.”

Terry, played by Andrew Graham on the left, Michelle, played by Grace McGee in the middle and Bill, played by James Ogilvie on the right

The production ended with a wholesome coming together between Michelle and her daughter Philippa, as Philippa finally acknowledged and indulged in her mother’s simple desire to re-kindle their relationship.

The quality of Lily’s writing was more than impressive, and the production not only showcased fantastic acting but also the collaborative and creative abilities of university students in the theatrical realm.

Rosie noted: “Everyone in the cast has put their whole heart and souls into it” and it clearly showed on stage and through the lovely bonds between the creatives behind the scenes.