Everything you need to know before coming to Warwick that the uni prospectus didn’t tell you
You mean to tell me chugging a pint wasn’t on the list of entry requirements?
You may be thinking the best way to prepare would be to do pre reading, go on a trip to IKEA and work on your small talk but actually none of that really matters as much as you’d think it does. Here is a run down of what you really need to know, or maybe still do.
1.How to chug a pint
I wish I’d spent my A-Level summer perfecting this. Why is it so hard? Why is the pint always so cold? If you’re wanting to circle, or maybe even be a social sec, you better get practicing. Bonus points if you can do it without getting the drink all over your face.
2. What to actually wear to a club
No, people do not wear dresses and heels. Tiny, tiny tops are in, and apparently freshers are wearing micro shorts as well these days? Make sure you have a collection of tops that your mum would definitely look at and ask ”where’s the rest of it” and you’re good to go. Make sure to forget the jacket too.
3. How to decipher what a rah girl is saying
A universal uni experience I’m sure. Look for Tom’s Trunks and Longchamps and pull out your dictionary. You’re going to need it.
4. Where Warwick uni actually is
No, it isn’t in Warwick. It’s actually in Coventry in the middle of nowhere. Does Coventry have its own uni? Yes. Is Warwick Uni also in coventry? Also, yes. Does that make any sense? No.
5. What circling is
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It may sound like a ritualistic, cult activity but it is fun, mostly. No amount of explanation can do it justice or even make it halfway clear what it is, how to play and what the rules are. Nobody will tell you the rules anyway, trade secret.
6. What a Warwick hour is
Some seminar leaders swear by this, others don’t. Understanding the famous Warwick hour rule will help you not be late for classes and keep track of your time like a pro.
7. People do not act like adults
Yes, everyone is 18 at the least but frankly some people should revisit reception. People are still mean, immature and insensitive and at points it can feel like being back at school. Just because people are adults doesn’t mean they’ll act like it. Don’t be surprised when flat fallouts are common and you hate your course mates.
8. How to get rid of mould, ants and rats
Uni landlords are famed for being useless, so you better become great at cleaning and DIY. Hygiene? Who’s heard of it? Have your disinfectant at the ready and be prepared for the worst.