PDA, wrestling and jiu-jitsu: The craziest things Warwick students have seen in the library

The whispers, WTFs and everything in between


When you think of the library you’re likely to think of long hallways and big shelves of books. The library is filled with quiet corners that some are lucky enough to find and keep hold of but it’s also filled with loud corners—where debates and discussions happen often and  group study sessions become core memories. The Warwick Library is always a hive of activity. It’s the place to complete last minute assignments (even for those starting a few hours before the deadline), a space for not so hidden public displays of affection (seriously stop), a spot to sleep at five in the morning, and a great place to (un)intentionally witness and overhear crazy conversations.

When I approached the first few students asking for the wildest things they’d overheard, I was met with nervous laughter and blank stares. “We’re not sure, we don’t really remember,” or “We’re not really here that often,” most of them said. Then, things got slightly interesting. so, here are some of the craziest things you’ve overheard in the library.

‘Once, I overheard a guy fighting’

One student recalled how they overheard a pubic argument in the middle of the library.

“Once, I overheard a guy fighting with somebody on the phone and he was shouting so loudly. He just went like, ‘What the F*ck?’ Ugh,’ and he groaned so loudly, I think everyone stopped to stare.” Well, a perfect venue for it.

‘We saw someone running around in a shark costume the other day’

One group of friends told me this, so nonchalantly, it seemed as if it were the most normal thing to happen in the library. 


“The other day, on the third floor, there was a couple sitting behind us and we just had to turn a blind eye (and ear) to the PDA that was going on,” two girls said. “PDA doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, it’s so in your face.”

“Actually, PDA happens all the time,” someone else interjected, “The upper floors, in the late evening.” 

‘We’ve wrestled and practiced Brazilian jiu-jitsu in the library’

Another boy said he was going to the library to study after a night of clubbing—I can’t imagine how really—and he said, “I entered at around five am, and I swear I was coming to study, and I just saw someone sleeping in one of the booths, and heard them snoring,” he said. His group of friends hinted at how it was possibly the computer science students. “They’re always here!” 

‘Someone was ‘back seat chessing us’

“We play chess really often and one time, there was a guy sitting behind us who would just be ‘back-seat-chessing us,’ telling us what move to play and then one day, he actually came and told us that he was a Chess Grandmaster.” The two friends have a picture with him but with little to no idea about his name. “We could never verify it.” 

Dominating space with lunch boxes

“I hate it when people just bring out a dozen of their lunch boxes and spread them all over the table,” a student added.

It was when I met a group of physics students, who appeared to be studying that things got really interesting. Unfortunately, almost everything they said was wildly inappropriate—so, I’ll leave that to your imagination. And they said a lot. In fact, they even showed me a WhatsApp group chat named “Quotes” to keep note of all the absurd things they’ve overheard.

One story however, stood out: “We were in the library at about three in the morning and we heard this loud music playing from the floor below. When we went downstairs, we saw nearly 30 people in the room, swaying and dancing as if they were in a trance. Some of them saw us and just started weirdly staring at us. We just left as quickly as we could without reacting.” I wasn’t sure how to react either. 

It did occur me that perhaps the most outrageous things the students overheard that day was the girl with a baby pink Stanley cup in hand wearing a black overcoat  confidently asking people for their wild moments that broke the silence in the library.