Debunked: What the hell is going on with Tattle Life and is it actually getting shut down?
It’s been a chaotic few days for the forum
Today marked a statement that Tattle Life, a popular and controversial forum mainly used for people to discuss, criticise – and in some cases, ruthlessly slag off – influencers and celebrities. Most of the celebrities who come under fire are TikTokers or those with likely under 100K on social media – which results in most of them obviously finding about it. The anonymous existence of Tattle Life is cause of much debate, but in a statement this morning from the site’s admins it seemed it was all over and would be shut down. Now, it is not so clear. There are a lot of conflicting reports on what’s going on with the site, especially over on Reddit so here’s what’s actually happening and if Tattle is getting shut down or not.
The first announcement
In a deleted admin post titled ‘Farewell’, an admin shared the following: “We believe it’s important for the public to have an opinion on social media influencers, as they occupy a unique and largely unregulated space between celebrities and everyday individuals, wielding significant power.
“In January 2023, we closed registrations after too many users violated our rules and thought they could ignore them and create new accounts. As we said back in 2019, our hope has always been that this site would become unnecessary as
governments introduced proper regulations.
“Unfortunately, recent threats directed at members of one of our families have left us with no choice but to shut down the site. It’s simply unfair for them to be impacted by something they have zero involvement in.”
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This created a big stir, with many online discussing if it was actually going or not because all the threads could still be seen. Users were saying goodbye to each other on popular threads – some of which had been running for years which resulted in people sharing their personal information in order to keep in touch. Which is a big Tattle faux pas, as it exists mostly to be anonymous criticism.
Then another post came from the admin.
The second announcement
There had been some form of migration over the past few days from the usual Tattle site to another domain. And now after the farewell post, the admin known only as Helen has explained in a big post that honestly feels just as mysterious as to what was going on with Tattle Life and whether it would be shut down or not.
The post went live at 8am on a thread called “What the hell is going on”. Admin ‘Helen’ says “I need to clarify a few things; The name change wasn’t connected to disabling the site. It was something that acted as a catalyst for other things, but after members views it felt best to revert the eight thing (we registered that in July 24 and had long been planing a rebrand – which we didn’t think through).
“There have always been a great many situations behind the scenes that members were unaware of, that has always been dealt with by the team to ensure the safe and efficient running of the site. The site was not and has never been hacked, all members details remain secure. But for any site it’s best practice to use a non identifying email so there is no data to ever leak. However when direct threats are made to unconnected members of our families it was felt that we were left with no choice but to disable the site.
“We all understand how much this has upset a great many of you and for this we are very sorry, the decision was not taken lightly. After further discussion, yes late into the night for some and all afternoon for others, we have decided to deal with the threats with legal action. As you will appreciate we won’t be discussing this situation as it concerns family members with no connection to Tattle.
All matters are with our legal team. Once again we apologise for the stress of the last couple of days and hope to see you all back on your favourite threads. If we ever do close the site for good it will be left live to let people say their goodbyes. The posts from the last five hours have been deleted as people were doxing themselves and most of it was about this situation which we can not discuss.”
It’s all really confusing, but for now Tattle Life seems to be maintaining operation and won’t be shut down despite the big farewell post from the last 24 hours.
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