Total of four lynx captured in Scottish Highlands after being illegally release
Their release has been branded as ‘highly irresponsible’
Following the capture of two illegally released lynx in the Cairngorms, a further two more Lynx have been spotted and caught.
The Lynx were spotted overnight on camera’s set up by the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) near Kingussie in the Cairngorms.
Speaking on behalf of Police Scotland, Inspector Johnstone said: “Members of the public [have been] asked not to approach the animals for their own safety and the safety of the lynx.
They said that police officers worked with “specially trained personnel to capture them safely and humanely.”
A RZSS spokesperson said: “Staff from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland then baited a series of humane traps in the area to entice them with and have been working with Police Scotland and rangers from the Cairngorms National Park Authority to monitor the area throughout the day.”
The animals will be taken to the Highlands Wildlife Park to be assessed by veterinarians before being transported to Edinburgh Zoo. It is believed that all four lynx are members of the same family group.
The releasing of the lynx led to concerns amongst farmers and gamekeepers in the region with their being a threat to livestock and birds.
Dr Helen Senn, RZSS’s head of conservation, told The Guardian: “I’m sure that everyone in the community will be happy and relieved to know that the second pair of lynx have been safely captured. Early reports are that they appear to be in good health, which is the most important thing.
“It’s been a rollercoaster 48 hours, with people working throughout the day and night, in some extremely challenging conditions, but I’ve been so impressed by the efforts of our own staff as well as partners, and members of the local community, to ensure that the outcome is a positive one.
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“Although we don’t think that there are any more lynx out there, we will continue to monitor the release site under the direction of Police Scotland”.
Both the police and the RZSS have condemned the actions of whomever released the animals in the “strongest possible terms”.
The RZSS labelled the act as “highly irresponsible” as the animals who appear to be bred in captivity would struggle to survive in the wild.
There is an existing official scheme set to reintroduce lynx to the region, but this will involve a much longer process.
There is an ongoing criminal investigation into the the circumstance under which the animals where released. Police are urging anyone who saw anything in the area or has any information to contact them.
Featured image via SWNS