Funerals, vegans and in-laws: The most debated Am I the A******? Reddit posts of all time
I honestly wish I could pretend to get fired just to make a customer feel bad
One of the best things to come out of Reddit is the worldwide debate, “Am I the Asshole?” It’s where a user shares an experience where they were made to feel wrong or morally ambiguous, and the people of Reddit decide your fate. For a brief moment, a stranger on the internet holds as much value as a God.
Over the years, there have been some absolutely baffling stories to come out of this subreddit that every Reddit user will know. I sorted r/AmItheAsshole into its top posts of all time, and I was not disappointed. Here’s a rundown of the most debated AITA Reddit posts to ever grace the internet.

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Am I The Asshole for flipping out on my fiancée for cancelling all the vegan food options from our wedding food menu behind my back?
With a whopping 36,000 upvotes, it’s no surprise most Reddit users remember this one. Basically, the OP (original poster), who was due to be married soon, and her family were all vegan and wanted to add 4-5 vegan options on their wedding menu. Her fiancée and his mother cancelled all of the options behind her back, claiming that they “weren’t going to pay for food that wasn’t real,” even though the OP is the one paying for the catering. The OP went off at her fiancée for not talking this through with her before, and even showed up at his work and shouted at him in front of his colleagues.
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The OP was deemed to be Not The Asshole, but she also shared an update that her mother-in-law was “sending long walls of text just to ‘address’ what I did at her son’s workplace, calling it all kinds of stuff from immature to unhinged.” Apparently, the mother-in-law accused the OP of being “dismissive” of her son’s input to the wedding and claimed that her money is “technically mine and his because we’re getting married,” which is actually an insane thing to say to your new daughter in law.
There’s no update on what happened after this, which is so disappointing because I actually want to know if they ended up getting married: This kind of behaviour would have probably been a dealbreaker for me.

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The hate on this post actually got so bad that a moderator had to tell people to stop calling the fiancée a “manchild.”
Am I The Asshole for telling cashier that wasn’t the girl’s credit card?
Despite having 41,000 upvotes, the OP of this story was in fact labelled The Asshole. Why you ask? She stopped a young girl buying a pair of expensive boots with her dad’s credit card. She threatened to call the police on the girl, and made her use her own card. The young girl left the store crying.
While it is illegal to use somebody else’s card, the commenters were absolutely enraged that the OP got involved in someone else’s family business.
The top comment on the post reads: “Did it ever occur to you that she was telling the truth and her dad had given her his credit card? Mind your own business,” and it basically summarises what everyone else was saying too.
I get where the OP was coming from, but at the end of the day, it was none of her business.
Am I The Asshole for making a dad joke?
This one was a classic ESH (everyone sucks here), but it ended up being quite wholesome and had 57,000 upvotes. The OP was a stepdad to his wife’s 15 year-old and had been for basically her entire life. They had an argument because she misbehaved, and the OP set up a punishment for her. She responded with “you’re not my dad. I don’t have to follow you.”
Later in the week, the whole family were grocery shopping and the daughter said “I’m hungry.” He replied with “Hi hungry. I’m not your dad.” The daughter was very embarrassed and the OP was berated by his wife.
Most people agreed that both parties sucked, but it wasn’t really an earth-shattering event. The OP even shared a heartwarming update that he’d spoken to his daughter about it and told her “I’m going to love you like my daughter even if you don’t think I’m your dad.” They both ended up crying, and so did everyone who was reading to be honest.

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Am I The Asshole for pretending to get fired when customers get a temper with me?
Definitely not the asshole, and 64,000 people agreed. The OP told Reddit how when customers were really rude to them, their group of colleagues take turns being the manager and fake firing them. Whoever is being fired makes a big song and dance about having a family to feed and how losing their job will likely strike them into poverty. Then, the customer always feels terrible and usually apologises.
This is a GENIUS idea and I’m so glad I couldn’t find a single comment disagreeing with me. If I ever get a job in retail or hospitality again, I’ll be trying this out.
One user wrote: “I think it’s hilarious and maybe it’ll teach some people a lesson about controlling their assholery.”
Am I The Asshole for wanting to go to the funeral of a girl that I helped get addicted to drugs?
The original story only had 31,000 upvotes, but its much more promising update had 68,000 upvotes: This tale was very wild and very upsetting.
The OP admitted to helping an old girlfriend get into drugs. They were both clean for a while and briefly spoke on Facebook, but he then found out through his sister that she had overdosed. Naturally, he was overcome with guilt and wanted to attend the funeral, but the girl’s family were pretty adamant on him not being there. Reddit users all agreed that he shouldn’t go, and he was deemed The Asshole for wanting to.
However, he posted an update about what happened on the day. He said he nearly went to the funeral in a low moment, but decided against it at the last minute and instead took his dog for a road trip to the beach. He said he still wasn’t doing great but that the day was a step in the right direction.
This was definitely one of the harder reads, so I really hope he’s doing better now.
Am I The Asshole for suing my girlfriend after she had my 1967 Impala project taken to the scrapyard?
71,000 users were all on the OP’s side for this wild tale. He’d spent $11,000 on fixing up a 1967 Impala car that was a huge passion project, only for his girlfriend to send it all to a scrapyard behind his back because she wanted to use the garage for a parking space (the OP mentioned he had two and a half acres of land and a barn she could park her car in). He threatened to sue her and filed a police report for grand larceny and grand theft auto (it isn’t just a video game which is news to me).
In an amazing update, the OP revealed he managed to track down his car to a scrapyard where he proved the car parts were his and was able to get them back. The last we heard was that the police had to hold it for evidence but it would soon be returned to him. Justice is served!
People also agreed that it was a “gross overstep” on the girlfriend’s part and that ending their relationship immediately was the right thing to do.

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Am I The Asshole for telling my wife the lock on my daughter’s door does not get removed until my brother in-law and his daughters are out of our house?
This post makes history as the most popular AITA post of all time. With 81 THOUSAND upvotes, it’s safe to say it was the website’s most controversial story.
The OP let his brother-in-law and twin daughters (both 18) move in with them after he’d lost his house in a divorce, but trouble soon ensued when the twins would constantly barge into his own 16 year-old daughter’s room and steal her things (makeup, jewellery, clothes, etc). The final straw was when they ruined his daughter’s $60 Mac eyeshadow palette that she’d been saving up a month to buy. She was crying her eyes out, so he decided to put a lock on his daughter’s door to keep her possessions safe.
The entire family, including his wife, were outraged by this, but every single person in the comments seems to agree with the OP. People wrote that the girls barging in is an “invasion” of his daughter’s privacy, the twins are “thieves,” and that he should “think about divorce” if his wife won’t see reason. SO much drama, but I’m glad he stood his ground on this one.
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