Finding love at uni is possible, take it from these alumni who got married after meeting at UofG
There’s still hope for us yet
After Will and Kate’s St. Andrew’s romance, many of us were convinced we’d also meet our fairytale match at uni.
I remember someone saying to me as a fresher: “You’ll never find love here”. If they meant Murano, then I would probably agree. But with its romantic bar and cafes, sprawling parks, and stunning architecture you would imagine finding love on campus is an easy task.
However, statistics show that it might not be as easy as you’d imagine. According to research by the Student Room, only around one in five people both find and maintain a relationship through uni. So, what makes these statistics so low?
The uni lifestyle
The infamous uni lifestyle is largely to blame for the breakdown or general lack of relationships on campus. There’s a huge expectation, especially in the younger years, that a party lifestyle and the attached hook-up culture is essential. Which honestly as a lifestyle choice, it is incredibly overrated.
On the other hand, it is often understandable that people want to focus on themselves and their degree whilst they are here. This is the time of your life in which you learn the most about yourself. And at the end of the day that is the most important.
Note: They might not be GU students
Also, not everyone will meet their partner at their own university. Glasgow has four universities and with the possibilities of meeting people on nights out and on dating apps. You may end up with a uni partner who isn’t in your uni .
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I am actually one of those people. I met my boyfriend on Tinder at the very start of 2023. He is a Strathclyde student, and with that comes a friendly but fierce rivalry. Regardless of this, going out of my comfort zone and going on that date with him was one of the best decisions that I have ever made.
We’e at the time in our lives where relationships become less about simply passing the time and more of a long-term thing. Lucky for you, you are constantly surrounded by potential candidates.
Uni provides the perfect opportunity
University provides unique social opportunities that nowhere else really does. You meet such a large and varied selection of people, often with the same or similar interests to you. This means that your dating pool is significantly larger than it would be in any other situation. Especially if you participate in societies and other events that the university offers.
It also helps that for most people many social experiences are somewhat lubricated with alcohol. Which let’s be honest, makes you 10 times more likely to speak to that attractive stranger you’ve been seeing in your lecture for the last two weeks.
To show you all there is hope for you yet. I’ve spoken to two previous students, who have shared their love stories. And they are a beautiful reminder that love really can strive on campus. So, here they are:
Pamela and John
Pamela and John met in 1990, through Pamela’s now sister-in-law Geraldine. The pair got talking and immediately hit it off and became firm friends, a friendship that blossomed into the loving relationship they still cherish to this day.
When they met, Pamela was not a University of Glasgow student. She had a job in a marketing company and John was studying a degree in genetics. However, they did get their campus romance; as when John began studying for his PhD, Pamela enrolled to study a degree in philosophy. They enjoyed many days together wandering the cloisters, exploring the many museums and studying together in the university library. And later they got to enjoy the stunning campus with their young son. Who followed in his parents’ footsteps early on, sharing a graduation with his mum and dad from the university nursery. A unique situation which gives the uni even more meaning for their whole family.
Paula and John got married in 1991 in a small intimate ceremony surrounded by their family. Paula went on to give birth to their second child and have recently got their first grandchild. The adventurous couple also share a love for long distance triathlons and were competing together up until 2021.
Jenny and Andy
Our next couple met on campus but not in the way you might expect. Jenny, 23, was studying for her second degree and had been made the social convenor for the QMU, 2007-2008 academic year. This is where she met Andy, aged 25, who was employed by the university as an events manager. This is where their story began.
She distinctly remembers her first impression of him, very attractive but arrogant in equal amounts. Coming off as a typical pretty boy, with scores of female attention, she initially did not like him. However, as time passed that began to change.
As they got to know each other, she noticed a whole different side to him. Despite outward appearances he was kind and even a little shy. He always made sure she got home and would drive her back to make sure she got home safe. It was on one of those occasions he finally plucked up the courage to admit that he had feelings for her and turns out it was reciprocated. Their first date was a rom-com style ice-skating date. And she describes him as “laughing so much he struggled to pick her off the floor”. Which gives an insight to their gap in ice-skating ability.
The pair settled in Jenny’s hometown of Paisley in 2013. And went on to have four children together. In 2019 Andy proposed, 12 years after they originally met, and they married in the University Chapel.
Closing notes
So, we’ve looked at both sides of the story, and its clear to see that it is certainly possible to find love at Glasgow Uni. But I think it is also far more complicated than eyes meeting over a text-book or across a lecture hall and it being love at first sight. Love is one of the most complicated experiences we can have. Especially as a 18 to 22- year-old, fresh into the world and still learning about ourselves.
However, I think if our case studies show anything, it is that love can appear when you least expect it. So be open minded, give everyone a chance (but not too much of a chance). Most importantly, be safe, have fun and be true to yourself.
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