Newcastle medical student battling cystic fibrosis takes on Great North Run
Yousaf Caan has found training brought many benefits for his health
A Newcastle medical student is preparing to take on the Great North Run, despite the chronic lung condition he has lived with since his childhood.
Yousaf Caan, 22, was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when he was 12-years-old.
This condition meant his lung capacity was extremely fragile and damaged his respiratory system. However, Yousaf is excited to take on the Great North Run.
His diagnosis has not stopped him from achieving his dreams of becoming a doctor in the future. Yousaf has found many benefits to his health from training by helping manage his symptoms, reports ChronicleLive.
In comparison to others with cystic fibrosis, Yousaf’s diagnosis came later than usual. Originally from Birmingham, his diagnosis came at a tough time for him and his family. However, Yousaf is certain the condition cannot “win”.
Yousaf is approaching his final year of medical school and lives in Jesmond. When asked about his experience training he said: “Great North Run training has been hard. It’s been really hard – but it gets me out of the house and has actually helped me with my condition.
“A lot of my treatments are to do with loosening mucus on my lungs. What I have found is that when I’m doing the running, taking my nebuliser before a run can make my lungs really productive, but it’s great for my health long-term.
Great North Run training has been hard. It’s been really hard – but it gets me out of the house and has actually helped me with my condition.”
“A lot of my treatments are to do with loosening mucus on my lungs. What I have found is that when I’m doing the running, taking my nebuliser before a run can make my lungs really productive, but it’s great for my health long-term.”
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Despite the condition impacting his school and university life, Yousaf is determined and passionate about becoming a doctor. He added: “My CF has always tried to stop me from doing what I wanted to do, whether that be getting onto my dream course at Newcastle to study Medicine or landing as an inpatient for the only holiday periods I have. However, I have never let it win and I don’t plan on it any time soon. ‘Anything they can do, I can do’ is my philosophy.”
The link to Yousaf’s fundraising page for Cystic Fibrosis Trust can be found here.