
Why I’m glad I ditched my Science major

My fellow English majors, where art thou?

Everything my Chinese parents taught me about life

It’s hard being an ABC

A new report says UCI is high risk for lead exposure

They rated us 8/10

UCI is the fifth most sleep deprived school in America

Feeling sleepy?

UCI will get a month long winter break this year

It’s like Christmas come early

UC Irvine is the best school in California, the US and probably the world

Why would you want to go anywhere else?

Meet Cuck Fancer: The frat initiative shaving heads on campus

You wouldn’t believe how many times I accidentally typed the F-word writing this

UC Irvine students are helping a high school in California grow its own food

The aquaponics project was proposed by the EWB Outreach Committee

Growing up on top of the world: South Lake Tahoe, CA

It’s more crazy than a small town can handle

A letter to my family back home in India

This is what it’s like to live in sunny California

The misconceptions of being an English major

You have no idea what you’re talking about

We’re The Tab UC Irvine

And this is what we’re about

Quiz: Which Californian school should you really have gone to?

Just because you got in, doesn’t mean you belong

What it’s like to have a mom who writes cookbooks for a living

It’s awesome, duh

How a Tinder date lead to a 6000 mile long-distance relationship

Sometimes you can find happily ever after, but you have to wait for it