A new report says UCI is high risk for lead exposure

They rated us 8/10

Flint, Michigan is notorious for a recent scandal involving skyrocketing lead, however the toxic metal appears to be much closer to home.

In a recent report by Vox and the Washington state Department of Health, every neighbourhood in America was rated for likely exposure to lead.

According to the map, communities surrounding UC Irvine have lead exposure rates as high as 8/10. Flint, Michigan in comparison has a score of 10/10. 

The block in between University and Berkeley has the highest risk. This means that communities surrounding the popular University Town Center may be affected, including Stanford Court. The beloved Aldrich park has a risk of 6/10.

The report’s methodology found two key risk factors for lead exposure – old buildings and lower income areas. Lead exposure risk was highest in big cities, with most of downtown LA having a 9 or 10/10 rating.

UC Irvine