Happy International Women’s Day! Here are eight of Bristol Uni’s most influential women
Let’s celebrate the women of Bristol University who have made waves in their fields
Here are six wholesome moments that represent girlhood at Exeter University
A love letter to all the girls x
This is every reason why we need International Women’s Day at Exeter University
Because girls run the world
Fancy a trek? Here are the eight best day trips for Exeter University students
Taking ‘I know a spot’ to the extreme
The best places to find your future spouse in Bristol, when you’re ready to settle down
If you’re expecting to see Hinge on this list, then you are completely and utterly delusional
If you do these six things as an Exeter University student, then you’re officially an adult
But, you’re still a silly fresh at heart
Here’s which Love Island All Stars celeb you’d most relate to based on your Exeter degree
Women in STEM, keep scrolling
Here are the five best restaurants in Exeter to take your parents out for dinner
Because you CANNOT suggest the TP burger van, Subway or Spoons