10 BeReals every Warwick uni student has taken

⚠️Time to BeReal ⚠️- will you be on time?

Time to BeReal — The notification that sends every Warwick student into action. Whether you’re running late to a lecture or getting ready for a night out, here are 10 classic BeReals every Warwick uni student has taken.

1. Library BeReal

The classic library BeReal is a staple for every Warwick student. As soon as the notification hits, you’ll see heads pop up from behind stacks of books, capturing them “working”. Whether it’s a shot of your laptop screen loaded with assignments or a tired face with coffee in hand, it’s the ultimate academic flex—showing everyone you’re hitting the books, even if it’s just for the photo.

2. The bus BeReal

For Warwick students, the bus BeReal is a true test of endurance. Ensnared in the never-ending lines at the bus stop, you quickly take a picture to document your frustration—covered in coats, witnessing buses pass by entirely occupied. BeReal captures everything, including the crammed pavement, the dismal sky, and everyone’s expression of “when will this bus arrive?”. Whether you’re heading into town or back to campus, the struggle of long waits and delayed buses is all too real!

3. Cheeky Circle BeReal

The sneaky circle BeReal is all about timing and that sweet adrenaline rush. You have one shot to secretly take a BeReal with your friends showing off your funky outfits for the week before someone starts chanting “PHONE IN CIRCLE!”.  There’s something thrilling about the risk of getting caught, but it’s worth it to immortalise everyone laughing and hanging out, right before the phones go down for the night.

4. Late night sweet treat run BeReal

You were being healthy during your food shop, resisting all those tempting sweet treats, but now that dinner is over, the cravings have hit hard. Everyone’s sitting around, glancing at each other, waiting for that one flatmate to break the silence and ask the most anticipated question: “So, who’s up for a sweet treat run?” You immediately grab your jackets and head out. The BeReal captures the joy of abandoning your healthy intentions and indulging in a delicious sweet treat with everyone grinning in their Crocs and PJs.

5. The gym bro BeReal

The gym BeReal is all about capturing those real, unfiltered moments of sweat and determination. You’re in the zone, pushing through that last set or perfecting your form when the notification pings. There’s a rush of adrenaline as you snap a quick selfie, showing off your workout grind. This BeReal showcases your commitment and did you even go to the gym if you didn’t take a picture ?

6. Food shop BeReal

The food shop BeReal is a classic moment for every Warwick student. You start off with a mission—stocking up on essentials. The trolleys are filled with beer, pot noodles and frozen meals and you snap a quick BeReal of your time there. It’s all fun and games until you realise you’ve forgotten about the long walk back home carrying all those bags.

7. Pres/club BeReal

The club and pres BeReal is a must for every Warwick student! Whether it’s Kasbah Monday, Smack Tuesday, or Neon Friday, there’s always a buzz in the air as you and your friends get ready to hit the club. You snap that pres BeReal, capturing everyone’s excited faces, drinks in hand and the game everyone’s playing for pres. This BeReal sums up the excitement of a night out, reminding you that the real fun happens during pres! Because let’s be honest—the best memories are made before you even leave!

8. Secret Lecture BeReal

The secret lecture BeReal is a low-key thrill every time. You’re trying to be discreet, but the notification pings, and suddenly half the lecture hall is pulling out their phones. It’s even funnier when you hear the unmistakable BeReal chime going off all around the room at the same time. You sneak a quick shot of your notes (or lack thereof) and glance around, trying not to laugh as everyone scrambles to get their pic without getting caught.

9. Cute Curiositea BeReal

The Curiositea BeReal is a classic, capturing all the cosy vibes of Warwick’s favourite café. Whether it’s your go-to hangover spot, a chill study session, catching up with a friend, or trying out their weekly menu, there’s always a reason to snap a pic. It’s more than just a coffee break—it’s a little slice of campus life that makes every BeReal at Curiositea feel like a moment worth sharing!

10. Sunny BeReal

After months of cold and rain, when the sun is spotted, no one is still sitting inside. When the sun is out, everyone rushes outside, lounging on the grass, soaking up those precious rays. Whether you’re enjoying a picnic with friends, catching up on reading, or just taking a moment to relax, the sunny day BeReal captures the joy of warmth and the carefree vibes of spring. With smiles all around and the laughter of friends filling the air, it’s a perfect moment to snap that BeReal and celebrate the Sun!

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