

Union elections – a chance for change or a popularity contest?

Jessica Howard asks if we’re voting for candidates for the right reasons because really ‘As superficial and high school like as it all sounds, if I know your face I’m more likely to vote for you’.

What the hell does the Union even do?

Is it really ‘enriching’ our lives

#sheshouldstand- Gals, become a Union Officer!

Women’s Officer Rachel Knott tells us why gals should continue to rule the world as Union Officers.

Why I’m voting Yes-No.

Second year International Development and Union Councillor Rivka Benjamin explains why she’s voting Yes:No

Don’t listen to scaremongers- the Union needs a President.

Campaigner Ross Attfield explains why you should vote YES YES in today’s referendum.

House Hunters: Stop Panicking & Leave Me Alone

Debate Editor Joe Murphy is fed up with house hunting students disturbing his peace.

Blurred Lines Boycott: Why I’m Voting Yes

Debate Editor Joe Murphy thinks that people are missing the point of the Blurred Lines referendum. Do you agree?

These Songs Are Just As Offensive As Blurred Lines

Is there any modern music that isn’t offensive to someone?

Heard something you think
we should know?

We want to look into your case


Why I’m Voting No

James Forde thinks the referendum is incredibly trivial and badly-planned. Do you agree?

Editorial: Blurred Lines Referendum- An Absolute Joke.

Co-Chief Editor Victoria Finan deplores how the referendum has been handled.

Boycott Outrage: A Bit Overblown?

Joe Murphy asks whether all this outrage over The Sun is really justified.

You Want A Referendum? Call One!

Alice Goask goes over the constitution – and how you can really make a difference.

Don’t Let The Sun Go Down

Lizzie Foster argues that censorship is not the answer- The Sun should stay.

Would I Lie To UEA?

Joe Murphy asks why a UEA graduate would have to lie on his CV.

#Burgergate: What You Haven’t Been Told

Our investigative report reveals that The Shop is currently unable to sell the promised burgers due to the Union not holding the correct license. What does this mean for UEA students?

Kicking Up A Stink: Gender Neutral Toilets

It’s all a whole load of drama over nothing, says Lizzie Foster.