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Eating Disorder Awareness Week: Charlie’s story

‘We need psychological help, not a lecture on healthy eating’

All the proof you need that the learning zone is better than the library

Wouldn’t you rather procrastinate while watching the ducks?

Online exams leave disabled students disadvantaged without extra time

It seems cruel to punish a student for something they may not be able to predict

We don’t feel any connection to our college, thanks Covid-19

‘Wikipedia knows more about my college and its traditions than I do’

Why first years deserve to use the library during exam season

I want that booth spot just as much as you do

The bigoted responses to renaming Sugar is only one part of racism in Lancaster

Even if microagressions may seem ‘micro’, they’re still invalidating and harmful

I love being autistic: What it’s like being an autistic student at Lancaster University

There’s still a long way to go on autism acceptance

University Mental Health Day is important: Here’s my story

Everyone needs to understand the importance of mental health – it almost cost me my life