students’ guild

Are YOU the Next Guild President?

Nominate yourself to spend an extra year at Uni without any lectures – the downside? You have to work.

The Lemmy: Can It Cope With Us?

George Cheetham argues why a good old re-think is needed over the Lemon Grove.

UoE Students Vote Not To Ban ‘Blurred Lines’

Following an all-student referendum, University of Exeter Students’ Guild has decided not to ban ‘Blurred Lines’ from being played on its premises.

Students Get Say on ‘Blurred Lines’ Ban

The Students’ Guild at University of Exeter announces a student vote on whether ‘Blurred Lines’ should be banned or not.

Why ‘Blurred Lines’ Should Be Banned

Jaz Sansoye argues why the Students’ Guild should ban ‘Blurred Lines’

Guild Responds to ‘Blurred Lines’ Ban

The Guild responds to Robin Thicke’s ‘Blurred Lines’ being banned in Edinburgh University’s Students’ Union.

Whatchu been sayin’ about the Ram?

The Tab investigates how the Ram is faring under new management.