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Arena is the best club in Exeter bar none

Because no-one needs sweaty top-top

Why do private companies have a louder voice than us on campus?

Apple taxis are more important than societies

Why Timepiece is the best club in Exeter

It is literally the only club you need

Don’t kid yourself, hiding behind a Spotted page won’t change the world

There is so much more to be done

Boys: These ‘vibesy’ shirts make you look like a fool

This isn’t Magnum PI, it’s real life

The NUS is so obsessed with its own PR that it has forgotten to represent you

The National Union of Students hasn’t done anything meaningful for you in years

Shut up Scrooge: ‘Tis the season to be jolly

If the haters gonna hate could they at least do it quietly so they can stop crapping all over my Christmas cheer

I don’t care if the John Lewis advert is out, it’s too early for Christmas

It’s not December yet, so please stop with the premature festivities.