
PORN SURVEY RESULTS: including Cambridge’s most porn-obsessed faculty

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Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 5

This week ELLIE SLEE accidentally stumbles upon what might be true love…

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 4

With Prince Charming still proving elusive, ELLIE SLEE turns to self-love to relieve her frustrations.

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 3

This week ELLIE SLEE takes a break from her search for love in the Bubble to go on a ‘relaxing’ weekend away with friends…

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin: Week 2

Innocent flower ELLIE SLEE continues her desperate attempts to get laid.

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin

Tired of being a spinster, ELLIE SLEE embarks upon the perilous quest to pop her cherry.

Screw You, CICCU

CATHERINE AIREY admits her biggest turn-off from her faith has been the Cambridge Christian Union… and has a few other confessions to make as well.

Tom Davenport’s Strictly Speaking

The Prolapse