
Tim O’Brien: Week 3

This week TIM O’BRIEN explains why he thinks you’re probably working too hard.

Rachel Tookey: Week 2

Are you worrying enough? In her second column, RACHEL TOOKEY offers us her advice on how worrying should be done.

The Secret Invigilator

Ever wondered what the adults in the exam room are thinking? An anonymous invigilator reveals all…

1 In 5 Students Have Mental Health Issues, NUS Study Claims

Findings from a recent NUS survey suggest that 20% of students suffer from mental health problems.

On The Pull In Cambridge

Tearing your hair out over this term’s workload? JOANNA knows exactly how that feels…

Talk to Tim about Depression

It’s Mental Health Week and TIM SQUIRRELL wants to get us all talking about depression.

Katie Zinser: Week 5

Most stuff isn’t worth getting worked up about. Especially in week 5.

Anna Isaac

ANNA ISAAC is treating madness with bagels. It’s a thing.

Madame TeaLeaves: Horoscope Week 4

Madame TeaLeaves and her prophetic wisdom are back.

Lucy Butterfield

LUCY BUTTERFIELD experiences indecent exposure. And public humiliation. In one day.

Drugged up Cambridge?

Pass the opium? Performance-enhancing drugs might just do the trick in the stressful Cambridge experience.

Cambridge – Give Us A Break!

There’s no denying that Cambridge is a wonderful experience, but sometimes it would be nice to have time to appreciate it.

Cambridge Urban Dictionary

Cambridge is a weird place, so we’ve come up with some new words to help you describe the madness that is C-town.

Freshers: Don’t Fret About The Future

PIPPA CALVIN explains why it’s much too early for freshers to get stressed out about the future.

Spoon-Fed Students Struggle

Cambridge students find things tough because they were spoon-fed through exams, according to a new study.

Stress and the City

LUCY ALDOUS confronts her stress about life after Cambridge, and asks, was it all worth it?

The Cambridge Curse

Getting stressed out about careers and having to sort the rest of your life out? AMY CARTER on facing the future, and how to deal with it now.

Uni Survival Guide: The All Nighter

JENNA CORDEROY on how to survive an all night essay crisis. Caffeine overdose, paranoia and power ballads abound.