Peep Show

Which Peep Show character is your college?

Tell you what, that crack is really moreish

The Tab Easter study guide

What’s On: Week 2

Need a revision break? Visit the one-stop shop for details on everything going on in Culture this week.

Chill TV

Can’t sleep for all that Pussy energy coursing through your veins? Take some time to unwind with these TV classics…

How TV Didn’t Ruin Your Life

TOM MOULE explains why Charlie Brooker is wrong, and TV really hasn’t ruined our lives at all.

Fit Cantabrigian

Cambridge is a notorious breeding-ground for the revoltingly talented. But which of our esteemed alumni is the best looker? As The Tab prepares for another year of Fit College, vote here on Fit Alumni.

Freshers 2010: The Cambridge A-Z, Part One

Soon-to-be-Fresher? Let The Tab teach you how to speak Cambridge. Saturday: letters A-H.