leaf’s lunches

Leaf’s Lunches: Hughes Hall

In the first of the series of college buttery reviews, LEAF ARBUTHNOT reviews the food at Hughes Hall.

Leaf’s Lunches: Sidney Sussex

This week LEAF ARBUTHNOT is in Sidney Sussex, hungry and possibly kicking small children.

Leaf’s Lunches: Selwyn

This week LEAF ARBUTHNOT is at Selwyn, where she uncovers the solution to all your dessert dilemmas.

Best Comments: Week 3

What exactly is a lad? Find out in this week’s Best Comments.

Leaf’s Lunches: St John’s

LEAF ARBUTHNOT has returned, throwing herself yet again at a whirlwind adventure of salad bars and till ladies. All hail to the Queen of Munch.

Leaf’s Lunches: Tit Hall

Trinity Hall hall puts a downer on LEAF ARBUTHNOT’s Friday.

Leaf’s Lunches: St Catz

LEAF ARBUTHNOT give a high five to the Catz cashier lady Pam

Leaf’s Lunches: Christ’s

Leaf gives her verdict on Christ’s caff this week: a grossout of biblical proportions.

Leaf’s Lunches: Trinity

Take a cheeky peak at what it’s like to eat in another hallowed Hall. It’s Leaf, she’s lunching, and this time in Trinity.

Leaf’s Lunches: Magdalene

Sample the first course of The Tab’s carefully-marinated reviews of uni eating-holes. First up, Magdalene.