
Why are so many students pooled to single sex colleges?

Why do all-girls colleges accept so many student from the pool? SAMANTHA HUNT investigates.

Hardy Cubasch

HARDY CUBASCH’s life’s suddenly got glamorous as the Boat Race draws nearer and the world is informed of the lucky 9 who’ll be racing in front of millions in 18 days time.

Juan’s World: Part 2

After a week of climbing over fences and starting revolutions, we catch up with JUAN ZOBER DE FRANCISCO for Part II of Juan’s World.

How To Get Into A Drinking Society

Not cool enough to be initiated but desperate to join the drinking society elite? Let GEORGE JOHNSTON and GEORGE LAMB help you out.

Is Cambridge Sexist?

Deputy Editor ELLIE PITHERS investigates why girls at Cambridge should try to “write like a boy”.

The Great Cambridge Sex Survey

ALI LEWIS turns up the dreadful euphemisms to find out who is having sex with who in Cambridge, and how often…

Tab Tries: Chat Up Lines

Who said chat up lines are dead? Our Tab Reporter gave a few old favourites a try. Find out how he fared.


Text flirting: a modern day battle-of-the-sexes?