
Cambridge: the beginning of the end

Bittersweet words from a finalist

How to boast about your first now that class lists have been abolished

Worried your friends won’t realise just how great you are? The Tab is here to help

The degrading dilemma

NICK BRITTLEBANK leads us through some of the potential pitfalls of taking the time off

Diary of a 3rd Year: From the Fray

More musing in the depths of a finalist’s exam term from KATIE MAIR.

Claudia Blunt: Week 8

CLAUDIA has nearly conquered Cambridge. Her final column offers a few words of advice for those still struggling to beat the Bubble!

Cambridge Companion to Exam Term

Baffled by late library opening times? Worried that you will have to commit suicide on a sunday? Here is The Tab’s guide to exam term to sort it all out.