NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN: Cambridge’s BNOC Competition 2024
Babe wake up, it’s time to nominate for The Tab’s BNOC list
Attention, Cambridge students, please can you pause your mid-year crisis for one second? Just when you thought Lent term was all about crying in the library and bailing on Rev’s, The Cambridge Tab is back with its annual BNOC competition to help you feel something again.
Last year, we had the legendary David Quan of the “Coffee’s on Me” podcast make it as Cambridge’s biggest BNOC. But who will be next?
Could it be the person who vlogs in all your lectures? Or your friend for having the best outfits on Sidge? Could it be you?
The decision is all yours to make. The legacy of The Tab’s BNOC list rests in YOUR hands – so please, on behalf of the whole editorial team, don’t mess it up!
So, what comes now? Nominate your friends, enemies, crushes and supo-partners. Nominate the guy whose matched with all your friends on Hinge and puts on a different accent with each one. Nominate your sister’s friend’s cousin who can’t walk a metre in the Lola’s top floor without bumping into a “best friend.”
We’ve made the deadline Valentine’s Day so you have no excuse to miss it. Forget who you’re making your valentine, what’s far more important is who you’re nominating using this form before Wednesday 14th February.