Bristol beware: Five of the most haunted locations around Bristol University

Since spooky season is fast approaching, it only seems right to pay homage to places in Bristol that make our blood run cold…

Halloween is nearly here, which means group discussions about coordinated Halloween costumes and appointing who is in charge of carving the house/flat pumpkin…exciting right? That being said, there is definitely something sombre lurking in the air. Perhaps it is the dreary weather combined with dark evenings which have made Bristol feel slightly bleak recently. There are some places in Bristol which make that pit in your stomach feel even deeper, something dark which we cannot quite place our finger on. Maybe it is due to the feeling of doom you have now associated with a certain Bristol university building after pulling one to many all-nighters there; or maybe, its simply an inexplicable supernatural sensation sending shivers down your spine which suddenly and puzzlingly overwhelms you.

If you have experienced an eerie feeling recently whilst walking the streets of Bristol and want some answers, or you simply want to plan a University of Bristol themed ghost walk with your flatmates – this article is for you. We thought we would try to pinpoint those certain spine-tingling places and unpick why they give us chills…

1. Will’s Memorial Building

The first spooky location of Bristol’s most haunted is perhaps slightly on the nose, but it must be Wills Memorial Building. The neo-gothic architecture is the perfect lair for the supernatural creatures of Bristol and for the approaching Halloween season.
Whilst it may not be the spitting image of Dracula’s castle, there is definitely an uncanny feeling when you descend the steps at night hearing echoes of whispers and eerie footsteps after an intense study session…

2. Christmas Steps

Do not be fooled by the quaint fairy lights strung up along Christmas Steps. The little passage is brimming with the spirits of Bristol uni students who have lost their souls panting up those stairs to a 9am on a frosty winter’s morning. But this is not the only spooky thing about these steps; in the 1660s the steps were home to a gallows and it was rumoured that whilst walking up the steps, people could hear a man screaming. Truly terrifying!

3. The Arts and Social Sciences Library

The sight of The Arts and Social Sciences Library alone is enough to fill anyone with a sense of dread and its ghastly brutalist exterior is not the only unsettling thing about this place. If you have ever tried to get a book out at nighttime, you will have noticed the bookshelves gradually light up as you move further down the aisle… is it the inconspicuous Arts and Social Sciences ghost watching your every move with his candle, or is it simply a motion sensor? We do not know, and we cannot possibly say.

4. The Down’s Water Tower

image via Google Maps

A less obvious choice perhaps, but certainly no less ominous. Looming over the vast outstretch of The Downs, the water tower definitely has a rather sinister quality. To add to this, it is surrounded by fencing and ‘DANGER’ signs which surely begs the question: what does this place conceal? It is rumoured that noisy students in their second and third year houses are sent here as punishment for noise complaints. To those of you blasting music at 2am on a Monday…beware…or you may be celebrating your Halloween banished to this tower instead of partying in La Rocca. Truly nightmarish!

5. Gravity

Last but not least on the list is our beloved Gravity. Once vibrant and buzzing, Gravity now stands locked and barred like an abandoned haunted house. When walking past the old entrance, one cannot deny the curious feeling of longing and anguish at many Wednesday nights past. Who knows what now lurks in the dark dingy basement of the bygone club. The spirits of silly freshers and rugby boys at their socials are begging to be released from the dancefloor. If you listen carefully, you might be able to hear the faint murmur of Wonderwall drifting up from the dark basement; but do not stay and listen too long, or you might be dragged down into the dingy depths with the formidable creatures who dwell there…

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