This colour perception test is so hard only one per cent of people get full marks on it
I guess I should’ve gone to Specsavers
Is your TikTok feed just full of colour perception tests? Are you now questioning whether you can actually tell the difference between different shades or not? Well, fear not because Lenstore has created the ultimate colour perception test.
At the start, the test shows you a range of colours and either asks you to choose the darkest or lightest shade, or put them in order. Then towards the end it switches it up a bit by showing you a range of dots, and it asks you whether you can see the number or letter hidden in the dots.

via Lenstore
Easy enough, right? Well, no because according to the eye care company, only one per cent of its original 2,000 users got full marks.
And if you were born a male then it’s not looking good for you either as Lenstore reported men scored lowered on average than their female counterparts – 53.8 per cent vs 57.7 per cent.
Interestingly, this may be because men in general are more likely to be colour blind. According to the National Eye Institute, eight per cent of men are colourblind compared to less than one percent of women.
If you’re interested in how well you can perceive colour, or maybe you’re just procrastinating and want something to do, then you can take the test here.

via Lenstore
Researchers say that these results could be due to evolution as women would often work as gatherers who required stronger close up vision, whilst men would’ve been hunters meaning their vision evolved to see far away objects better. The more you know.
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