The Love Island All Stars ranked by who came out worse after the PDAs movie night
No prizes for guessing who’s at number one
It’s not a season of Love Island without a movie night, and All Stars can call it the PDAs all it likes – we’re all here for the mess of the Islanders having to come face to face with their untruths. And Love Island All Stars has been a series of many things, but no one can argue that it hasn’t been absolutely a series of mess, untruths and lies. With one ringleader in particular at the centre of it. With all that in mind, here’s the ranking of the Love Island All Stars cast by who came out looking the worst after the PDAs movie night.
11. Callum
Wow, what a man. A great episode for Callum who got some justice, some answers and some sly digs that absolutely slapped. No one will forget when they were when they heard “Proof is in the pudding. Yorkshire pudding” for the first time. No wonder Georgia was getting frustrated; she couldn’t weasel her way out of it.

10. Molly, Kaz and Sophie
These three girlies came out of it all either looking iconic or wronged. Kaz has maintained her legacy from her season as someone with their head well and truly screwed on, who wins awards at the PDAs for doing something funny and not mortifying. Sophie and Molly come out of it looking like wronged women who handle a shit situation with amazing sensibility. Queens.
9. Anton
Love my Anton. He can do no wrong. His only flaw is he’s a bit of an ick when he falls into a pool, and if that’s a man’s biggest crime he will always be nothing but innocent in my eyes.
8. Joanna and Arabella
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Joanna and Arabella are a weird two to rank. Like obviously Arabella calling Chris a prick didn’t make her look great after they’d made friends, but … ahem… he was a prick. Sorry! And Joanna just came off it looking a bit shit because she’s been the cause of some head turns that caused upset but that isn’t her fault. Neither of these two look that bad at all, just not quite as wow as the others.
7. Casey
Casey hasn’t been in the villa that long so hasn’t really had much chance to look a tit in movie night clips. In fact, he’s spent the whole season looking pretty great. Only reason he’s ranked looking worse than the other Love Island All Stars at the PDAs is because he came in and wanted to speak to Molly despite the fact she was coupled up with Tom – his best made who he literally lives with outside the villa? Still unsure why you’d ever want to pursue that?
6. Georgia H

I know Islanders only get two bevvies a night but they must hit Georgia hard because she always seems a bit lairy? Anyway, she looked a little bit bad because she said Anton gave her the ick despite the fact they’re currently back on in the villa. Poor Anton.
5. Chris
Just always comes across like a bit of a sore loser. Like, his reaction to Arabella saying he was a prick… Why you doing all that? What’s the reason? He’s one of those fellas who seems really jovial and wholesome then suddenly turns really sullen and spits his dummy out. I don’t like it.
4. Tom
Didn’t look great that he was the one sneaking around behind everyone’s backs with Georgia Steel – and made Molly feel sad and like an idiot because he hadn’t just been open with her about what was going on. Also made Molly feel extra bad with how willingly he was up for letting Casey crack on with her. The PDAs was not his finest night on Love Island All Stars.
3. Josh
Just slightly terrible vibes all round. Why on god’s green EARTH did he tell Sophie he’d found his wife may I please ask? All just a bit rowdy and insincere.

2. Toby
He was looking like a bit of an idiot from the moment he started sticking up for Georgia Steel – and I was so glad Callum and Casey told him to shut up from the off. Then all his clips showed and he looked even worse. I will cringe forever at the sight of him and Georgia Steel awkwardly accepting their awards.
1. Georgia Steel

I mean. Where do we even begin here? All season, viewers of Love Island All Stars have been waiting for the comeuppance of the villa’s resident liar and with the PDAs we got it in spade loads. Georgia couldn’t have come across worse if she tried, to be honest. It was bordering on uncomfortable wondering how she could even come back from it to make amends with the people in the villa she’s hurt. For once, even the loyal queen herself was at a loss for words.
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