These are the biggest unanswered questions I have after finishing YOU season four

I won’t know peace until I have the answers

The YOU season four finale was on a slippery slope right until the last couple of episodes – it quickly redeemed itself and came out as a pretty good season overall. Once again Joe Goldberg has got off free for his crimes, in fact now he’s more free than ever. He’s able to return to his old identity and even shaved off his beard to prove it.

He’s moved back to New York with his girlfriend, Kate Galvin, and completely off the hook for all those murders he committed during the season. Yes, it turns out Joe was the Eat the Rich Killer on the loose throughout the season. He repeatedly blacked out every time he murdered a London elite, starting with Kate’s boyfriend, Malcom.

The ending of YOU season four was good but the mess that happened before it meant the audience were left with a bunch of questions. Not every single storyline in the season was wrapped up completely, so here’s a rundown of all the questions I have now I’ve finished YOU season four.

Now he’s a free man with money, why doesn’t he go back to his son?

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At the end of season three we all saw Joe leave his son Henry behind in Madre Linda with Dante and Lansing. Now that the world knows Joe is alive, you’d expect him to reunite with his son and try to gain custody of him. Unfortunately though this doesn’t happen and Joe doesn’t hint at any plans to get his son back. Maybe following all of these interviews Joe is doing being aired, Dante and Lansing might get in touch and attempt to reunite Henry with his biological dad.

Why the hell does Marienne let Joe walk away free?

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As far as Joe’s aware, Marienne is dead. So what is there stopping her from revealing everything about him?

What happened to Elliot who we met in part 1?

Elliot shows up in part one and disappears just as fast. He was hired by Love’s dad for killing his daughter but Elliot didn’t want to kill Joe. Instead he helped Joe create a new identity while promising to tell Love’s dad that he killed him. But the ending of You blows his cover.

Joe didn’t think things through enough when he came up with his plan and Love’s father knows Joe is alive. There wasn’t any update on Elliot during the finale of season four so who knows what he’s up to.

Why was that woman taking photos of Joe if she was obsessed with Lady Phoebe?

The entire Lady Phoebe, Adam and her stalker sub-plot was excellent. Truly a work of art and I wish we got more time to watch things play out. But why was that woman obsessed with Joe as well as Lady Phoebe and why wasn’t she also caught taking photos of the other London elites?

Does Kate just not care if Joe is a killer?

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Kate shows up at the hospital following Joe’s failed suicide attempt. He confesses his murderous past. Kate doesn’t report him for being a killer though, she doesn’t even react when he tells her everything.

Kate then uses all of her authority to cover up Joe’s murderous past. There are also hints that she knows Joe killed his ex-wife and Kate doesn’t even seem to worry he might do the same to her.

We still don’t know what Joe said to Lady Phoebe which made her like him so much

I won’t know peace until I know exactly what Joe said to Lady Phoebe which made her like him so much.

Why does Joe agree to go back to New York where all the mess started?

It’s a bold move going back to the place where it all started.

How does money solve Joe’s past?

This man has committed some horrific crimes and found himself in webs of endless lies – surely there isn’t enough money in the world to make him get off free?

Why isn’t Nadia blabbing?

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I can forgive Joe for everything he’s ever done apart from throwing Nadia in the deep end. She didn’t deserve the ending she got. I need to know why she’s not blabbing to the police about him? I get he threatened to blame everything on her but she’s so smart – surely she can find a way to make him pay for how he’s left things for her.

Did Rhys just disappear from Joe’s mind entirely?

Rhys turning out to be a figment of Joe’s imagination was a huge plot twist but also, it makes sense Joe was the Eat the Rich Killer in the end. It seems that after Joe’s failed suicide attempt Rhys just disappeared for good until the end when a glimpse of him came back in Joe’s reflection. Will he come back again though??

YOU season four part two is available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, quizzes, drops and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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