The votes are in: Meet your newly appointed full-time Bristol SU Officers for 2025/6

This year’s elections witnessed a record-high voter turnout

The results of the 2025 Student Union elections are in. This year saw over 9,000 voters and a total of 64,943 votes to determine Bristol’s SU Officer team.

This year’s elections saw a better turnout than ever before, receiving one of the highest voter percentages in the country.

This vote determines the SU Full-Time Officers for the next academic year. They are paid to improve student experience at the University of Bristol, so it is super important that they reflect student opinion.

The SU also offers prizes for the student groups with the highest turnout. Many groups reached an impressive 100% turnout, including the Atomic Society, Banking and Investment Society and Taylor Swift Appreciation Society.

The full leaderboard for student groups is here.

Election night (Friday 14th March) saw the results announced in an exciting evening at Senate House.

Here is your 2025/26 Full-time Officer Team!

Katie Poyner – Union Affairs Officer

Katie Poyner has been re-elected as Union Affairs Officer. Her manifesto’s key points are transparency, empowerment, and affordability. Katie has committed to ensuring the SU remains accountable and student-led decisions are made.

She wants to lobby for more study and social spaces across campus and ensure that the university presses for more affordable options when on campus.

Mia Stevens – Undergraduate Education Officer

Mia Stevens has also been re-elected this year as the Undergraduate Education Officer.

The hallmarks of her manifesto are Alleviating the financial barriers to higher education, enhancing the quality of assessment feedback and ensuring a higher level of employability within the curriculum for all students.

Sharan Khemlani – Postgraduate Education Officer

Sharan Khemlani has been elected for the first time as the Postgraduate Education Officer.

Sharan Khemlani’s manifesto included her plans to create more networking events and platforms for postgraduate students. Alongside, she also wishes to provide more real-world experience for postgraduate students, pledging to push for more summer placements to ease the transition into different careers after university.

She also plans to implement more support hubs for postgraduate students with the hope that such will develop skills and increase postgraduate representation across academic student groups.

Jessie Yeung – International Students Officer

Jessie is also new to the Student Union this year.

She wants to improve visa support before, during and after university and work to improve the financial support that international students receive from bursaries and scholarships.

Jessie also plans to provide more activities and specialised support for international students experiencing homesickness, recognising that it is not easy to study at a university so far from home.

Lucy Pears – Student Living Officer

Lucy has also been re-elected to her second year as Student Living Officer.

Her manifesto highlights include increased housing support and help mitigate the Cost of Living crisis for students; reducing the costs on and off campus for all students.

Lucy intends to continue building on her wins from her previous term and bring passion and experience to the role.

Linlu Ye – Equality, Liberation and Access Officer

Linlu Ye has been re-elected to serve as Equality, Liberation and Access Officer.

Her manifesto restated her commitment to accessible and free period products around campus, the improvement of nighttime safety, particularly by expanding bystander training, and she would like to ensure there are safe spaces on campus for the discussion of global issues.

Ella Lovibond – Sport and Student Development Officer

Ella Lovibond has also been re-elected to her role as Sport and Student Development Officer. Previously, Ella championed the Injury Support Group and has worked hard to improve night-time safety.

This year she has pledged to continue building the Injury Support Group and make Bristol’s Derby Day even bigger. Ella also wants to promote inclusivity through more free women-only, LGBTQ+ and Parasport sessions.

Ella’s endorsement by fellow Bristol Bear player Ilona Maher may have boosted her numbers!

Election night’s record high turnout suggests a positive step towards improving student democracy, ensuring our voices are consistently heard. We look forward to seeing what changes and improvements the newly elected full-time SU officers make.