Here are the 8 types of students you’ll find in an Exeter Uni lecture
“I’ll just watch the recording”
No matter what course you, every lecture has a huge mix of different personalities that somehow coexist in the same room and to the same degree. You have some students who are eager, prepared and have perfect attendance. Whereas others are there to justify their student loan and pretend to be productive. Although many of us tell ourselves we will “watch the recording” (which is a huge lie), when we do attend lectures, we always get some…characters. In Exeter, you’ll start to notice the same certain people appearing in every lecture, from the overly enthusiastic to the barely present. Wherever you fall on the spectrum, these familiar faces are impossible to miss.
1. The front row enthusiasts
These guys are always the first to rock-up, you’ll catch them sitting outside the lecture hall ten minutes before ready to beat the rush and grab their row despite the lack of competition. But you got to respect the dedication, it’s probably what the rest of our parents are expecting us to do. These guys know what they want, and that’s to be front and centre.
2. The First Week Ghost
Although most of this group do belong to the freshers (which we can’t blame), some just don’t grow out of it. We all have that friend (or are that friend) that every year swears they’ll have that academic comeback of the season. They text you to make sure you’re coming to the lecture and plan to grind in the library afterwards. Only to crumble by week 3. Because let’s be real, once you’re a ghost – there’s no coming back from the other side.
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3. The Snacker
That one dude who shamelessly eats a 3-course meal. To their credit, they try to be respectful— slowly peeling back wrappers and chewing at a decibel level just below disruptive. But come on now, you could at least wait an hour or so.
4. The Keyboard Smacker
These guys let you KNOW that they are present in the lecture. Their keyboard is click clacking away as the lecturer says one sentence. They are really taking notes of everything that is being said and is letting you know that they are listening. t gets a bit annoying when you can just hear their typing instead of what is being said. If you know someone like this in your lecture, it’s better to sit a few rows back.
5. The Scrollers
These are the students who look like they’re hard at work but one glance over their shoulder and you’ll see what they are actuallylooking at,which is literally anything but their notes. Whether that be online shopping, Pinterest, messaging mates or even playing puzzle games.
6. The Serial Snoozer
These guys find their seats and get comfy. Most try to keep up appearances – laptop open, pen in hand – when actually their screen brightness is at zero and their notes are non-existent. They are too tired to pretend they’re alive and I mean, if it’s an 8:30AM, who can blame them? As long as you’re not snoring, I’m 100% there with you.
7. The Back Row Yappers
Then there is the group who sit at the very back next to the nearest available exit. They probably want to be there as much as the snoozers but use their time for a good catch-up instead. Of course, they leave 10 minutes early before the lecture ends because they’re bored. As long as they’re not messing up the audio for the poor souls who rely on watching the recording, they’re a pretty harmless bunch.
8. The Last-Minute Arrivals
Finally, the late-comers. They range from the casual strollers who don’t care about getting others attention. Then there’s the ones who had to run across Streatham campus and scramble to find a seat and relentlessly apologise to the lecturer for being 20 minutes late. They will always ask “what did I miss” and you will always reply “not much”. At least they made it.