Lauren’s MAFS wedding guest reveals their 18-year friendship ended because of the show

‘I hope MAFS is everything she wanted, see you later’

It’s been claimed that Lauren Hall from MAFS Australia 2025 had a huge fallout with one of her wedding guests after the show. Nicholas Stankiewicz, who filmed for the show with Lauren, has said they were previously best friends for 18 years. But, have since cut all ties.

Nicholas was the emcee at Lauren’s wedding to MAFS groom Eliot Donovan. But, he’s now claimed Lauren has blocked him on all socials, in the aftermath of filming for the show. He’s said to be “heartbroken” over what happened. He revealed he only found out his former bestie had blocked him because mutual friends told him she had.

“I don’t know why she just blocked me out of no where. We have always had a beautiful friendship, and I have always supported her,” Nicholas told Daily Mail Australia.

“Lauren worked for me for a few years before she started her business and I’ve always been in her corner. You would think after nearly two decades of friendship we’d be able to talk if there was an issue, but instead I’ve been completely cut off. It’s shocking.”

He added: “I never signed up for MAFS, I was just there to support her. But now I’ve been dragged into this whole thing and subjected to online bullying and speculation. And to top it all off, she’s blocked me without any explanation.”

Nicholas as a guest at Lauren Hall's MAFS Australia 2025 wedding

via E4

Nicholas admitted he didn’t really know what happened between them, but said he believes her being on MAFS has played a part in their friendship ending. “There was no argument, no falling out, just silence. I think this whole experiment has been an emotional tidal wave for everyone and unfortunately I got caught in the crossfire,” he said.

Nicholas added: “I’ve helped her move house, supported her business and even taken care of her dog when she travelled. But looking back, she never really supported me in the same way. I’m also in real estate and she recently sold a house for someone else without even considering me. That was a slap in the face.

“She’s come to my family Christmases, my parents’ birthdays and I’ve always been there for her. But now I get blocked? I just don’t understand. She’s thrown away a good friendship, and once someone crosses that line with me there’s no going back. I hope MAFS is everything she wanted, but she you later alligator.”


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