Heat, hysteria and head injuries: How The White Lotus season 3 cast struggled with the yacht scenes

Jason Isaacs ran into a glass door and split his head open?!

Season three episode four of The White Lotus was definitely intense to watch. But it sounds like it was even more intense to film. The White Lotus cast have spoken about how gruelling it was to film on a yacht in Thailand during a heatwave. They all had to take nausea pills, an Jason Isaacs suffered a head injury that was ‘hemorrhaging everywhere’?

The White Lotus season three episode four, Hide Or Seek, mostly takes place in a fancy yacht. Greg – sorry, Gary – and his girlfriend Chloe invite Chelsea, Rick and the whole weird Ratfliff family onto the luxury boat. But in real-life, the actors weren’t able to enjoy the scenery.

Charlotte Le Bon, who plays Greg’s gold-digging girlfriend Chloe, spoke to Variety about the hellish conditions on the yacht.

She said: “The yacht — it was so hot. It was the hottest I’ve ever been in my life, definitely — even the locals were suffering. We would leave the hotel, go to the port, and that would probably be a 35-minute ride, and then we would take a speed boat, and then we would have to do a 40-minute speed boat on waves going like this.” She mimed choppy waves. “We were taking nausea pills, and then going on the boat.

the white lotus season 3 episode 4 cast aimee lou wood yacht scene

Side point, but I want all of Aimee Lou Wood’s clothes
(Image via HBO)

“And because Ben Kutchins, who’s such a talented DP [director of photography], was so precise with what he wanted in the background, he kept turning the boat all the time in order to have some specific islands in the background. So it was the most nauseous thing ever. It was 50 degrees.”

Apparently there was an air-conditioned area inside the yacht where The White Lotus cast went to cool down a bit between takes. What a relief. But this space led to Jason Isaacs having a grim-sounding accident.

Jason Isaacs (aka Lucius Malfoy, who’s starring as the dodgy businessman Tim Ratliff) told Decider: “We’re out there under the blazing sun. There was one little air-conditioned room that we all ran in between the takes. You’re in clothes and makeup and hair and lacquer and, like, you can’t just jump in the sea and cool down.

“The little room we had AC in had these clear glass doors and [the yacht’s crew] were always polishing them. So they’re absolutely invisible. So they’re absolutely invisible.”

Jason went to cool off in this room. The crew suddenly told Jason he was needed in the next scene.

the white lotus cast season 3 epsidoe 4 jason isaacs yacht scene

Neither the cast nor the characters really enjoyed the boat trip
(Image via HBO)

“They were like, ‘Jason! Needed now!’ I just went boom into the door, split my head open. Blood’s hemorrhaging everywhere. I knocked myself out. I was caught by the Second AD [assistant director]. I came to and I went, ‘Sorry, I got to go.'”

He didn’t realise how bad the injury was until the crew started pointing at him.

“I go, ‘Oh, yeah. No, it’s fine. I’ll just play the scene like that.’ They went, ‘No, no, no, your head’s exploded. We could see the bone. It’s kind of this Y split.'”

Apparently Jason went ‘slightly hysterical with adrenaline’? How awful. He suggested his character wear a hat in the scene to cover up the injury, but the crew didn’t like this idea. Instead, someone had to edit out the scar on Jason’s forehead for the rest of the show.

Spare a moment, please. for the poor CGI artist who probably had to spend a week of their life editing Jason Isaac’s forehead x

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Featured image via HBO.

More on: The White Lotus TV