Here’s eight things all Exeter students should give up for Lent

Entering our wellness era

Now that Pancake Day is out the way, we now have Lent. The time when many of us give up a vice for 40 days and 40 nights. After reconnecting with nature and God after many questionable nights in TP, I learned that my soul needs some cleansing. There are many things we all need to consider giving up to become the best version of ourselves – even if that means not texting your toxic situationship after three drinks in Impy. So, now that Lent is here, I’ve decided to make a list of all the things us Exeter students should really consider giving up. It’s for the best.

1. The dating apps

Come on, guys. We need to get a grip. Valentines has been and gone, and we STILL have Hinge on our phones. You’ve been single for the last three years and you know that those dodgy hook ups from Tinder aren’t making your situation any better. Let’s be so real, you’ve defo ended up in weirder situationships than actual relationships. And you defo have that one guy you awkwardly bump into every week in the Forum. Now that lent is here, let’s have a cleanse. Get outside. Practice celibacy. Focus on yourself. Besides, you can always try talking to the opposite gender in Fever room 2 instead of going on a date to the Old Firehouse?

2. Trying to get an EGB ticket

Look, the dream of trying to secure an EGB ticket is gone. Okay, it’s GONE. This is more of a personal thing as I failed to secure a ticket (no, I don’t want to talk about it). But there’s no point in getting scammed on Overheard again and again just trying to attend the biggest Exeter event. For now, let’s relax and hop on the Skiddle battle when people sell their tickets at the very last minute.

3. Vapes

Now, this is one that’s been a long time coming. Vapes. Whether you’re a drunk vaper or a daily lemon and lime fiend, it’s a vice we need to give up. Of course, these brightly coloured, flavoured air devices provide some comfort like a baby to a dummy, but is it worth the tuberculosis voice and spending your student loan on a nightly £5 vape? Probably not. Let’s all be brave and breathe clear air for once. Not me though, you lot stay safe xx

4. Mullets

I’m so over this hairstyle and I know I’m going to infuriate some men with this one. But the mullets neeeeedddd to go. Especially if you have straight hair. We don’t care how long it’s getting, and we don’t care if you have one. Just grow it out and get it out my sight. You got 40 days and 40 nights to change up that hair.

5. Overheard scamming

Okay, this is just something that shouldn’t be a thing at ALL. But scamming students on Overheard. If you do this because you want to get some “profit”. You seriously need to get off Facebook and get on LinkedIn. It’s sad and pathetic. Get. A. Job!

6. Chunning before 8PM

As we all know, Exeter students start their pres early. Like 4PM EARLY. So, chunning before 8PM is something that has happened to all of us. Even if it’s a tacky chun or you’re out for the count, we all need to chill out and reflect. Girlies, we’re going to learn how to line the stomach and pace ourselves. No one wants to be seeing your spag bol dinner in the TP toilets before anyone is even on the upstairs dancefloor.

7. Ordering takeaways

If you’ve gotten to the point where the Deliveroo driver knows exactly where to meet you, what your name is and what your exact order is. You’ve got a problem. Of course, we all love a cheeky little takeaway and treating ourselves to the laziness of not cooking but they do add up, guys. We’re in the depths of a cozzy livs. We can open up our palate to beyond just Wagas, Dominos and Maccies.

8. Losing things on nights out

Okay, this is another personal challenge for me. But losing things on a night out is something we need to unlearn and leave behind for this Lent. This includes losing your ID, your keys, your AirPods, your phone, your jewelry, your dignity. For 40 days and for 40 nights, I’m practicing not losing any of my possessions after any night out. God bless x