Top tips to combat procrastination as a University of Lincoln student

Here are our top tips to turn your procrastination panic into power

Students have a lot to do all the time. Deadlines are the name of the game. Unfortunately, if you’re anything like us, deadlines don’t become real until about 12 hours before. Doing all your work last minute is a guaranteed way to stress yourself out to the point of complete exhaustion- and that is not fun.

Fortunately, we’ve learned my fair share of ways to combat procrastination. Follow this list to avoid submitting your assignment 10 minutes before the deadline!

1. Work with your friends

Sometimes you need a friend to hold you accountable. Grab a buddy or two off of your course and spend a few hours in the library. All it takes is to see one person making more progress than you and all of a sudden you’re ready to catch up.

2) Get out of bed

Don’t want to go to the library with your friends? That’s fine   but go somewhere anyway. Whilst it’s great to be cosy, the temptation to get under your blankets, close Google Docs and open Netflix is massive. Coffee shops and cafes are the perfect place to get yourself in the zone to be productive.

3) Make a routine

A bit of structure goes a long way. Why not try setting a few reminders on your phone every day? You might not get a lot done in 30 minutes, but if you do that every day for a month you’ll hit your word count before you know it.

4) Have a treat

Finish a paragraph? That’s at least a 10 minute social media break. Proofread your draft? Definitely deserving of a night out. Can’t bring yourself to write a word that day? Take yourself to the cinema- don’t punish yourself for having an off day. Rewarding your progress will incentivise you to keep going on the days that productivity sounds like the least appealing thing in the world.

5) Don’t be mean to yourself

The most important thing when it comes to keeping yourself on task is to cut yourself some slack. Nobody can be an academic weapon all the time. Sometimes an entire week might go by and you get nothing done. As long as you get yourself back on track the next week, it’ll all be fine.

If all else fails, you can always just cram 12 hours before the deadline.