Inside Curtis Pritchard’s relationship with his mum, who he cut off contact with
He randomly mentioned the feud on Love Island: All Stars
I am still in a state of bewilderment over what on earth happened between Curtis and Ekin-Su on Love Island: All Stars. Mid-row, Curtis Pritchard randomly dropped the revelation that he cut off contact with his mum?! Here’s a deep dive into who Curtis Pritchard’s parents actually are, why he cut off contact with his mum, and what his relationship with them now is like.
Who even are Curtis Pritchard’s parents?
Remember, his older brother is AJ Pritchard, that Strictly dancer who went on I’m A Celebrity. Their parents live in Shropshire. Their dad Adrian used to be a professional ballroom dancer, too. He and his wife Debi run a dance and pilates school called Pritchard’s Dance and Fitness Academy. This is how Curtis and AJ got into dancing.
Curtis’s parents didn’t want their sons to become celebrities
When Curtis and AJ were younger and decided they wanted to be famous, Debi wasn’t keen on them entering the entertainment industry.
She told the Mirror, “There was no doubt they were going to go into showbiz as their life revolved around the dance school me and my husband, who was a ballroom champ, ran.
“They were little darlings before they even started dancing, but I wanted my boys to have freedom to be lads and have fun before they turned 11, which is when they decided to dance.
“We knew how hard it was in any form of entertainment business, so we were reluctant at first. But then they wanted to dance and I had to cajole their dad into letting them.”
Stories about child stars put Debi off. She explained, “If you look at child stars like Britney Spears, they became a victim of their own success and they could implode.”
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So, when did Curtis cut off contact with his mother?
For context, Curtis accidentally brushed against another girl’s finger, so Ekin-Su spent the next two days pretty much screaming, crying, and throwing up. She accused him of betrayal. Then he accused her of not being her authentic self. It was all extremely dramatic.
When Ekin-Su was frustrated with the argument (because weren’t we all?), she wailed, “Mum, Dad! I wish they were here.”

At least they’re not boring!
(Image via ITV)
Curtis replied, “Yeah, I was thinking that earlier. I wish I could call my mum.”
Ekin-Su was suddenly all smiles. “Same! I really need to speak to them.”
“I cut my mum out of my life at one point,” Curtis randomly revealed, “Just because she was being a mum. And I needed to just grow up, and just be myself, and learn things for myself.
“And now I’m back in contact with her, and stuff. And I finally actually spoke to her, and stuff.”
While Curtis was still talking about his mother, Ekin-Su crawled across the firepit and kissed him like a scene out of a rom-com. She whispered. “You’re amazing. I’m always here for you. Whatever happens.” And stroked his face. Even though she’d been shouting at him two minutes before.

Note to men: Talking about your mother will not usually get you this reaction
(Image via ITV)
Casey summarised, “What a weird, random ten minutes that was,” and photographed them from across the villa. I never thought I’d agree with him so much.
Curtis was back in contact with his mother by 2018
Curtis and AJ were attacked at a nightclub in 2018. Curtis needed emergency knee surgery, and couldn’t go back to Dancing with the Stars, which is why he resorted to Love Island. We know Curtis was definitely back on speaking terms with his mother by the time he was 23, because she visited him in the hospital.
He told the Mirror, “We have such a close-knit family our support network is each other, as long as we have that, that is how we cope. “We talked about the attack as a family, we talked so much. A lot of positives have come from that situation. Mum and Dad set us up for life and I can only say thank you to them.”
Er, Curtis’s mum got death threats after he dumped Amy on Love Island?
Abi wrote an article about Curtis’s TV appearances for New! Magazine. It read, “I got lots of terrifying messages telling me I should die, and Curtis should die. It took me by surprise – as a mum, it was hard to deal with and it made it cry.”

It was quite the episode
(Image via ITV)
Both of Curtis’s parents visited the Love Island villa when he was on the show in 2019. Adrian made a joke about Maura’s Irish accent, and Debi kept mispronouncing “Maura” as “Moy-ra”. It wasn’t the most successful visit.
Curtis clarified he is not looking for a woman like his mother
He stressed to the Mirror that he does not look for girlfriends who resemble his mother. Curtis Pritchard said, “Mum is grounded. She is your rock, she gave birth to you, but I never take that into my relationships and think, ‘I’m looking for my mum’. Er, good to know?
Whatever went down in the past, Curtis and AJ both seem to be on good terms with their parents now. The whole family went swimming in the sea at Brighton on Christmas morning this year. Which sounds horrifying to me, but it seems they enjoyed themselves?
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