Right, let’s work out how many men Bonnie Blue has slept with throughout her OnlyFans career

We already know it’s well over 1,000

Bonnie Blue has definitely carved out a niche for herself by managing to pull off the most unimaginable OnlyFans challenges, including sleeping with over 1,000 guys in just 12 hours.

As such she is now the unofficial world recorder holder, although the previous record holder Lisa Sparks has some strong opinions on the whole thing.

Still, it seems every five seconds she’s setting some sort of new world record and since she’s been doing OnlyFans for a few years now it makes sense that Bonnie Blue slept with a fair few people throughout her career.

With that in mind, let’s see if we can work out how many men she’s slept with so far, get your maths hats on everybody!


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Bonnie has previously admitted she had only slept with five people before she started OnlyFans, with the number going up considerably since she started in 2023.

In June 2024, Bonnie revealed she’d already slept with 200 people in only six months and she considerably boosted that number with her visits to the US and UK during Freshers Week, where she slept with an estimated 279 guys in total throughout roughly six weeks between the two countries.

Most recently Bonnie announced she’d slept with over 1,057 men in 12 hours in order to break the world record. Alright, so that means taking into consideration her most recent exploits we’re currently on a total of 1,536 people so far.

Then, unfortunately, we do need to add Beavo to that list, although given Bonnie only rated him seven out of ten it might be the last we ever see of him.


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A post shared by Bonnie Blue (@bonnie_blue_xox)

Then on her actual OnlyFans, she currently has 346 videos published, but some of them include more than just one person in them. We also need to take into account that about 20 per cent of her videos don’t actually make it onto the platform as she doesn’t want the men to feel “uncomfortable.”

So, let’s just say out of the 346 videos on her OnlyFans, half of them feature two people in them, although in reality, it’s probably a lot more but alas as I am not subscribed I cannot verify this information first-hand.

That would mean at a minimum she’s slept with 519 people and posted about it on her OnlyFans, although some of those videos will feature some of the people aforementioned above.

So, with some rigorous use of my calculator app, I can estimate that the rough estimate of the total amount of people OnlyFans star Bonnie Blue has slept with comes to a whopping 2,056. Give or take a few here and there, I’m sure.

Well, now we can all sleep a lot better at night.

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More on: Bonnie Blue OnlyFans Viral