People have sussed The Traitors flaw where Faithfuls can always work out who Traitors target

This detail at breakfast means Faithfuls will always know who else is innocent

The Traitors is finally back for season three with a brand spanking new 2025 batch of players ready to be utterly devious in that Scottish castle. And so far? It’s the usual load of fun, but the Traitors themselves seem like they’re going to be pretty incompetent. Now we’re a few seasons into The Traitors, we’re all clocking on to not just how the show works generally but also some methods the BBC production team always use. And there is one theory and possibly major flaw that the Faithfuls could use every single breakfast to work out who the Traitors are targeting.

Let’s get into it.

If you’ve been watching The Traitors for a while now, you’ll know that whenever the Traitors meet in the tower they always discuss at least three potential targets for murder. When the Traitors are discussing, you’ll see the little camp clips of who they’re discussing in a room in the castle. We never know who The Traitors select until breakfast the next day and we see who joins the group and survived. But this The Traitors theory about breakfast shows how the Faithfuls should be wising up to whoever comes in last.

The most chaotic breakfast ever – lest we forget

Because every single time without fail, the show always shows two of those three discussed coming in last to the breakfast. Obviously, for viewers this builds the suspense – but to the people in the room it not only shows who the Traitors have been debating to murder but confirms to them who are Faithfuls. Three season in, why has no one been discussing this!? I’d have been HOT on it, mark my words.

But then you think about the British guy Paul who was in season two of The Traitors Australia – he made it quite far in the game but was pretty much completely edited out of the game because apparently he kept talking too much about the tactics and machinations of production. Rumour has it he actually brought up this point about the breakfast situation and that’s why he was edited out!

Much to think about

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Featured image via BBC.


More on: Reality TV The Traitors TV